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  –  23  RS-  -     Ba             A --                              7  n RS-   8  --   9  -  10  -  11  -  --     --   n 1
SimpleComTools, LLC
 User Manual
SimpleComTools, LLC
485 PORT
The RS485 Port tab is for configuring parameters related to the RS
485 Port.  This is where you begin to configure a
device to work with an RTU, PLC, or data logger. You will setup parameters such as port speed, signal control,
application options, etc.
Parameter Name
Baud rate
Sets RS485 Port Baud Rate. (DEFAULT = 115200)
ud Rate Options:  1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 18200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Local Echo
Echo typed characters back locally.
0 = Echo Off
1 = Echo On (DEFAULT)
Quiet Mode
Suppress status or command response output.
0 = Off (DEFAULT)
1 = On
pplication 1
Sets the first of 3 applications to run on the RS
485 Port. Enter the value representing
how you want the RS
485 Port to handle incoming serial data.
0 = No Action
1 = Serial Stream UDP
      (Sends incoming data to remote IP via UDP packet)
2 = Serial Stream TCP
     (Sends incoming data to remote IP via TCP packet)
3 = Serial Stream SMTP
     (Sends incoming data to remote user via SMTP message)
4 = Serial Stream SMS
     (Sends incoming data to remote user via SMS message)
5 = Serial Stream FTP
     (Uploads incoming data to remote server via FTP)
6 = Serial Stream SYSLOG
     (Uploads incoming data to remote server via Syslog Messages)
= Serial Stream Relay OPEN
     (Open/energize relay when data comes in o
485 Port)
= Serial Stream Relay CLOSE
energize relay when data comes in on RS
485 Port)
= Serial Stream Logger
     (Store data that comes in on RS
485 Port)
= Serial Stream MPort
     (Route data that comes in on RS
485 Port directly to modem port)
= Serial Stream RS485
     (Route data that comes in on RS
485 Port directly to RS485 port)
Application 2
Sets the 2nd of 3 applications to run on the RS
485 Port. Enter the value representing
how you want the RS
485 Port to handle incoming serial data.
Same as Application 1
Application 3
Sets the 3rd of 3 applications to run on the RS
485 Port. Enter the value representing
how you want the RS
485 Port to handle incoming serial data.
Same as Applicatio
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