pc micro systems


  How to fix the "usrsup.elm" script error.


By: Bill Gordon - August 3, 2004
Taken from the EleBBS support mail list.

I have found a solution to "Incompatible version of EleXer module
(please recompile). Unable to find/run "usrsup.elm"

I modified usrsup.pas, putting my own home directory in it, and compiled it
with elexer.exe v.10 contained in elebbs eb10rc1d.zip package, placed the
usrsup.ele in the elebbs directory, and using QModem/telnet, got the
following message:
> 03-Aug 12:59:22 EL01 Bill Gordon on-line at 65529 BPS
> 03-Aug 12:59:30 EL01 Security level 65535, no time limit

usrsup.pas was compiled with elexer.exe contained in eleweb package, and
placed in the eleweb directory, and logging in via the web, I get this
! 03-Aug 13:00:56 EL01 actually interpreting from memory:
! 03-Aug 13:00:56 EL01 actually interpreting from memory:
Etc., etc...

Seems to be no more "Unable to find/run "usrsup.elm", at least here.....


Additional notes: Recompile usrsup.elm by going to the main EleBBS directory
and entering:


  This will create the new usrsup.elm file.

Hits since August 3, 2004:

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