EleWEB is a CGI for use with your webserver, this means that EleWEB
does not replace your webserver, but in fact requires one to be able to use it.
Most webservers support the CGI standard, and can be used in combination with
EleWEB, EleWEB has been tested in combination with Internet Information Server,
Apache and Xitami although most should work.
EleWEB is available for OS/2, Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. Because of the wide
variety of operating systems and combinations of webservers, we cannot
describe each and every possible combination. Therefore, this document is
written to help you understand what is required to make EleWEB run.
EleWEB needs some EleBBS configuration files in order to run correctly,
EleWEB will use an environment variable to locate these configuration files.
Usually, you have already defined an "ELEBBS" environment variable and this
is sufficient for EleWEB. Please note that the environment variable should
point to the EleBBS directory.
Most webservers however, do not pass along the environment variables that
are available for normal operations, but instead only supply a set of default
values. To override this behaviour, you should consult your webserver
documentation, i've listed the 3 most common webservers below:
If you define ELEBBS as a system environment variable, this
will be sufficient, a restart of the IIS services might be
necessary to recognize this environment variable. You can
accomplish this by running the program "iisreset"
In your "defaults.cfg" configuration file of Xitami, you should
look up the heading named "Cgi-Environment", and then add the
appropriate environment variable for EleBBS. Such an entry might
look something like this:
You need to tell Apache to set the EleBBS Global environment variable. You do this by editting Apache's configuration file, and adding the keyword
SetEnv under the Global Environment section. Please consult the Apache docs
on how to use this exactly, but it should look something like:
SetEnv ELEBBS /opt/ele/
Installing "eleweb.exe"
After you have setup your environment variable, and you made yourself sure
that the configuration changes have been applied, you should place the
EleWEB executable (eleweb.exe on OS/2 and Windows, "eleweb" on Linux and
FreeBSD), into your website's cgi-bin directory.
If you run IIS, you have no such directory but have a "scripts"
directory instead. Because a lot of HTML templates and scripts
expect you to have an "cgi-bin" directory, the most easy way is to
create a new virtual directory and name it "cgi-bin". Please consult
the documentation on https://www.microsoft.com for information on how
to configure this. Just copy the file eleweb.exe to your cgi-bin
directory, and make sure your virtual directory is set to be executable.
Xitami has a CGI-BIN directory defined under the Xitami directory,
just copy the file to there.
Apache has a CGI-BIN directory per default. Depending on the way you
installed Apache, the location may vary. Just copy your file to there.
Configure your script and HTML location
Now you should determine where your EleWEB HTML templates will be stored, and
where the EleXer scripts will be stored. Ensure these two directories are not
available to your webserver.
A common installation practice is to store your EleWEB HTML templates under
your EleBBS root directory, and your EleXer scripts too. For example, if your
EleBBS directory is at "C:\BBS\ELE\", you should store your HTML templates in
"C:\BBS\ELE\HTML\" and your EleXer scripts in "C:\BBS\ELE\SCRIPT\".
Now that you determined these directorys, fire up ELCONFIG, and navigate to:
ELCONFIG > System > Paths >
You will find the entries "EleWEB HTML" and "EleWEB ELM" there, adjust them
to the directories you have just picked.
Now, move all of your *.HTML files to the selected HTML directory, and move
the *.CTL, *.PAS and *.INC files to your EleXer directory.
There are three special files - login.htm, eleweb.css and asklogin.htm - that
should be put in you webservers document directory. The login.htm will attempt
an automatic login if possible, and the asklogin.htm is the file used whenever
a failed login is seen.
Now, create an "images" directory below your webserves document directory. Put
all the images (*.png, *.jpg and *.gif) files into this directory to make sure
the images work on your server.
Compiling the EleXer scripts
EleWEB is merely an script interpreter for the EleXer scripts that come with
EleWEB. Most of the functionality of EleWEB is provided by the scripts,
allowing you to customize EleWEB in an unique way.
Customizing the scripts is not necessary though, as EleWEB uses an HTML
template system that determines the way EleWEB looks and the scripts contain
many options and possibilities that will fit most situations.
The EleXer scripts come only in source, and should be compiled by yourself.
Compiling the scripts is not difficult and only involves calling the
program "elexer" with the -C option. For example, to compile the script
"readmsg", you should navigate to the EleXer scripts directory, and then run:
elexer -c readmsg
this will compile the read message script. You need to compile all .PAS files,
the .INC files are so called "include" files, and are used by EleXer
To compile all EleXer scripts in Windows (not Windows95 based systems), you
can use:
for %i in (*.pas) do elexer -c %i
In bash, you could use something like:
for i in *.pas; do elexer -c $i; done
and undoubtedly, for any other os there are other ways too. Please make
absolutely sure that you use the EleXer program that came with the EleWEB
archive as the EleXer from EleBBS will create incompatible EleXer modules.
Configuration of the front page
The default EleWEB templates are based on a newspage with a front page like
system. EleWEB will use normal JAM messagebases to store these items.
You should create the actual area in ELCONFIG. You can create the area like
any other area, you should just ensure yourselve that the area type is set to
"Forum", the areanumber is 1000 and please use a JAM messagebase.
Configuration of the forums
The EleWEB forums are seperated in several categories, which are named Groups
in ELCONFIG. You should create a new group (or several groups) and set it up
as a forum group (set the type as "Forum").
Now, create a few areas like you would normally do, but set the area type to
a forum, and set the group to one of the earlier created groups.
Creating a forum.ini file
For each forum you created here earlier, you should create a text-file named
"forum.ini", and put this file into the same directory as the JAM files
for that area. This file specifies special information for the area which
is used to display some info. The should be replaced by the actual
forum number, so for forum 1001 a file "forum1001.ini" should be specified.
A forum.ini file, looks something like:
; Forum.ini files are very straight forward.
; ; = commentline
; first line is the name of the moderator (html usable)
; second line is the description file
; third line is the number of days we default to for this area
Discussion forum This is a description line. This is another one.
prunedays 30
You can put whatever you like in this file, and the comments are not necessary.
Installing the EleUSER extension file
EleWEB stores more information about a user than EleBBS does, fortunately,
EleBBS has a way to do this without limiting the amount of info you want to
store. EleBBS and EleWEB do this by using a script named "usrsup", and a
compiled version should be in your EleBBS directory (the "usrsup.elm" file
to be precise) but also in your EleWEB directory. Make sure both versions
are exactly the same.
If you look at the source of "usrsup.pas" you see a line like this:
HomeDirectory = 'C:\bbs\ele\home\';
this directory specifies where the EleWEB home directories should be created.
You can easily change the location of this home directory, by changing this
script and recompiling it. Make sure this directory exists.
After you compiled the scripts, use the "eleuser" program from the EleWEB
archive (or if a new EleBBS is released since EleBBS 0.10.rc1 use that one),
to recreate the EleWEB user extension file. You do this by running:
eleuser -e
This will recreate the whole user extension file. Upon each logon, EleWEB
will check whether the users' home directory still exists, and if necessary
create the home directory. EleWEB will try to read a text file named
"userinfo.txt" in this directory, in this file a lot of info can be stored,
and it can be easily extended. The normal way to update this file is to login
to your EleWEB and select "Edit profile", however, one entry in there is not
editable but is useful anyway.
There is a entry named "membertype" which contains what sort of user this is,
it might be nice to show that you are the sysop, a line might look like:
Although this is not necessary.
Running EleWEB
Once you have all done this, you should be able to run EleWEB, by going to:
which should show you the frontpage. Just navigate around, and toy around a bit
with it. If you want to modify the EleWEB layout, look in your HTML directory.
Once you have the above up and running, you might want to customize
EleWEB to your own style or perhaps add new parts to it. You can just go ahead
and start customizing, but reading this part might help you better understand
how EleWEB works and how the different parts interact.
EleWEB has 4 operating modes, also known as actions. These operating modes
are hard coded into EleWEB and are as followed:
Action 1
Logon - This is the way to log an EleWEB user on.
EleWEB requires the fields "ele_username" and
"ele_password" to be present and will use those
for authentication.
If authentication is succesful, the script
"login" is automatically run.
Action 2
Logout - The user will be logged out, and the script
"logout" is automatically run.
Action 3
Run Any - You specify the script name, and EleWEB will run
the requested script.
Action 11
Run Diag - Will show some diagnostic information to the
requesting web browser.
If any fatal error occurs from which EleWEB cannot recover, this error has a
unique number and the "errors" script is run.
For re-authentication, EleWEB requires three parameters:
- Nodenumber user is logged on to
- Password hash
- Userrecord number
With this information, EleWEB will validate the user and select whether the
user has access or not. EleWEB relies on the script itself to retrieve this
information and pass it back to EleWEB, unless you are using "action=1", then
it will use a script named "getcreds" to retrieve this information.
When EleWEB is run with an action 3, EleWEB will always try to automatically
log the user on using an existing cookie.
It's the task of the script to actually check if this user is allowed to
access that part or not. This allows you to only mark certain areas as
unavailable to not logged in users.
CHNGAREA.PAS - Parameter(s):
- value Value of new area/group
- new-script The script to run after the
modifications are done.
- sub-action What to change exactly:
0 - Message group
1 - File group
2 - Message area
3 - File area
Script to change the logged on users message and
file area/group. This script does not
interact with the user but merely updates its
EDITPROF.PAS - Parameter(s):
- sub-action What to do exactly:
0 - Show the current info
1 - Update the users record
- password1, (sub-action = 1) The new password
password2 for this user. Password1 is the
new password, and password2 is
the verification.
- location (sub-action = 1) The new location
of this user for inclusion in his/her
- email (sub-action = 1) The users new
email address for inclusion in
his/her record
- icqnr (sub-action = 1) The users ICQ
address for inclusion in his/her
- homepage (sub-action = 1) The users
homepage for inclusion in his/her
- usericon (sub-action = 1) Location to
a web graphic to show in users
- password (sub-action = 1) The actual
current password. This is
necessary to update this record.
Script to change the logged on users record and
profile data. This script can both display the
users' current profile (sub-action = 0) and
update the profile with new information
(sub-action = 1).
editprof.htm - Template to show current users
profupd.htm - Template to notify the user that
his/her record has been updated.
proferr.htm - Template to notify the user that
the updating of his/her record
uinferr.htm - User is not found
ERRORS.PAS (built-in) - Parameter(s):
Script which is automatically run by EleWEB
whenever a fatal error occurs, but which can
also be called by any other EleWEB script
by using the "web_RunErrorScript" procedure.
The actual error number is passed as a parameter
and can be used to display a more useful error
error.htm - If this file exists, EleWEB
will show it, if not EleWEB
will display a standard built-in
error text.
FILEDN.PAS - Parameter(s):
- areanum Actual area number of which
to download a file from
- recordnum Record number of file to download.
Script which will send the specified file
to the user and specifying the name. This script
does some very rudimentary access checks whether
downloading is allowed but these checks should
be extended.
GETCREDS.PAS (built-in) - Parameter(s):
Script which will be run for each script and
which should always call the EleXer routine named
"web_SetLoginData" - this routine will pass the
authentication information back to EleWEB which
then will use this information to validate the
LISTFILE.PAS - Parameter(s):
- newsubaction New sub action to use for this
script (overrules sub-action)
- sub-action Actual command to perform
0 - List this specific area
1 - Search all areas
- days (sub-action = 1) Number of days
old the files can be
- areanum Actual area number to list
files in
- keyword (sub-action = 1) Keyword to search
- checkgroup (sub-action = 1) This can have
a value of either "true" or
"false". This defines whether
this search should be limited
to the current group only.
- wildcard (sub-action = 1) Wildcard to
search for.
Script which is used to list specific areas, or
to search for keywords, wildcards and on date.
fl_ahead.htm - Template that is shown above each
area. For a normal file listing,
this is shown once, for a search
(eg: on date or keyword), this is
shown for each area.
fl_data.htm - Template for the actual file item.
fl_miss.htm - Template for the file item, if the
file is missing.
fl_comnt.htm - Template for the actual item when
this item is a filearea comment.
fl_data2.htm - If the description line uses more
than one line, the next lines are
displayed with this file.
fl_afoot.htm - Template that is shown after each
area. For a normal file listing,
this is shown once, for a search
(eg: on date of wildcard), this is
shown for each area.
fl_anone.htm - If the mode was a normal listing,
and no files were displayed,
this file is displayed.
fl_head.htm - This file is displayed at the
beginning of everything.
fl_none.htm - This file is displayed if there
was a search specified, but in all
areas there was no match.
fl_foot.htm - This template is displayed after
LISTLAST.PAS - Parameter(s):
Script which can be used to display today's callers
llstdata.htm - Template with the actual lastcall
data in it.
llsthead.htm - Template that is shown first.
llstfoot.htm - Template that is shown after all
actual information.
LISTONL.PAS - Parameter(s):
Script which can be used to display the users that
are currently logged on.
olstdata.htm - Template with the actual online
users data in it.
olsthead.htm - Template that is shown first.
olstfoot.htm - Template that is shown after all
actual information.
LISTUSR.PAS - Parameter(s):
Script which can be used to display all the users
on the system.
ulstdata.htm - Template with the actual users
data in it.
ulsthead.htm - Template that is shown first.
ulstfoot.htm - Template that is shown after all
actual information.
LOGIN.PAS (built-in) - Parameter(s):
This script is run as soon as EleWEB has
successfully authenticated the user.
The implementation of this script uses a redirect
to another script ("readmsg") otherwise we
would have to repost the login information each
time we went back to the main menu.
This script calls the "readmsg" script and
instructs it to a Front Page action, with the
area 1000. See the description of script "readmsg"
for the exact information.
LOGOUT.PAS (built-in) - Parameter(s):
This script is run as EleWEB logs a user off.
This script resets the stored cookies on the
users his system, and then redirects to the
EleBBS homepage (www.elebbs.com)
LSTAREAS.PAS - Parameter(s):
- newsubaction (see sub-action)
- sub-action Actual command to perform:
0 - List Message groups
1 - List file groups
2 - List message areas
(check group)
3 - List file areas
(check group)
4 - List message areas
(ignore groups)
5 - List file areas
(ignore group)
6 - List the areas marked
as forums.
Script which is used to display the available
message/file areas and groups. It also has a
special mode to display the forum areas.
If either sub-action 2 or 3 specified this
script will only display the areas in the group
the user has selected, while sub-action 4 and 5
ignore the group and will actually show all areas.
The mode 6 is a special mode which will display all
groups and areas that are set as type "Forum".
frm_head.htm - (sub-action 6). Header file for the
forum listing. This file is
displayed first.
frm_grp.htm - (sub-action 6). This file is
displayed for each group that is
marked as a forum.
frm_aron.htm - (sub-action 6). This file is
displayed for each area that is
marked as a forum, but also
contains new messages for this
frm_arof.htm - (sub-action 6). This file is
displayed for each area that is
marked as a forum, but does not
contain new messages for this user.
frm_foot.htm - (sub-action 6). Displayed at the
end of the actual forum listing.
mgrphead.htm - (sub-action 0). Displayed at the
beginning of a message group
mgrpdata.htm - (sub-action 0). Template used to
display the actual message group
mgrpfoot.htm - (sub-action 0). Displayed at the
end of a message group listing.
marehead.htm - (sub-action 2 and 4). Displayed at
the beginning of a message area
maredata.htm - (sub-action 2 and 4). Template used
to display the actual message area
marefoot.htm - (sub-action 2 and 4). Template that
is displayed at the end of the
area listing.
fgrphead.htm - (sub-action 1). Displayed at the
beginning of a file group listing.
fgrpdata.htm - (sub-action 1). Template used to
display the actual file group
fgrpfoot.htm - (sub-action 1). Displayed at the
end of a file group listing..
farehead.htm - (sub-action 3 and 5). Displayed at
the beginning of a file area
faredata.htm - (sub-action 3 and 5). Template to
display the actual file area
farefoot.htm - (sub-action 3 and 5). Displayed at
the end of a file area listing.
NEW_ONE.PAS - Parameter(s):
This script is used to display a HTML file, named
newuser.htm - Template to show a new user form
that has to be filled in by the
NEW_TWO.PAS - Parameter(s):
- username Username the user has entered
- handle Handle the user has entered
- location Location the user has entered
- bd_day Birth date, the day
- bd_month Birth date, the month
- bd_year Birth date, the year
- password1 Password (1st entered)
- password2 Password (2nd time)
- email E-mail address of this user
- icqnr ICQ number
- homepage Homepage this user has entered
- usericon User icon
This script is responsible for signing new users
in, validating the entered data and adding them
to the user file.
newwelc.htm - Welcome message to the new user,
this is shown if the new user
creation was successful.
newerr*.htm - Error message to the new user.
1 - Duplicate username
2 - Duplicate handle
3 - User is in trashcan
4 - Not all fields are entered
5 - Invalid birth date entered
6 - Invalid password entered
OPENOUT.PAS - Parameter(s):
This script is used to send headers to the
server, including cookies which are used to
validate the user.
READMSG.PAS - Parameter(s):
- newsubaction (see sub-action)
- sub-action Defines the way "readmsg" operates:
0 - List message headers
1 - Read a specified message
2 - Delete specified message
3 - Initialize the writing of
a new message
4 - Write the new message
5 - Initialize the writing of
a reply
6 - Write the reply
7 - List the message headers in
a threaded (indented) way
8 - List all messages "flat"
9 - Show a message thread
10- List message, and add the
message thread beneath it
11- Initialize the editing of
a message
12- Write back the modified
13- Lock/unlock a forum
14- Read the specified forum
15- Display the specified
forum as a front page
16- Show the specified story
expanded, and add all
replies to it.
- threadreply The thread number this is a reply
- fpreply If a reply is made to a front page
story, this should contain the
front page story we are replying
- post_fromwho From who this post is from
- post_towho To who this post addressed to
- post_subject Subject of this post
- post_reply_towho
Who are we replying to?
- post_reply_replyaddr
Fidonet address we are replying to
- post_reply_replykludge
Original reply kludge
- post_reply_address
Address we are replying to
- post_private Is the message we are posting
marked as private?
- post_reqrct Do we want a read receipt?
- msgnum Actual message number we are
- dontquotetext If set, decides to not display
the original reply text.
- areanum Area number we are reading messages
- unlock Lock this topic so that nobody can
write new messages
This script provides the reading and writing of
messages in many ways. It's a very large script
with much functionality.
qrdhead.htm - (sub-action 0). Header of the
quick header reader
qrddata.htm - (sub-action 0). Data of the quick
qrdflonl.htm - (sub-action 14). Forum reader,
message threads that are locked but
contain new messages for this user.
qrdflon.htm - (sub-action 14). Forum reader,
message threads that contain new
qrdflofl.htm - (sub-action 14). Forum reader,
message thread that does not contain
new messages but is locked.
qrdfloff.htm - (sub-action 14). Forum reader,
message threads that does not contain
new messages.
qrdhd2.htm - (sub-action 8). Flat message reader,
header message.
qrdfoot.htm - (sub-action 0). Footer of the quick
reader if messages were found.
qrdend.htm - (sub-action 0). Footer of the quick
reader if no messages were found.
qrdft2.htm - (sub-action 8). Footer of the forum
reader if messages were found.
qrdend2.htm - (sub-action 8). Footer of the forum
reader if no messages were found.
trdhead.htm - (sub-action 7 and 10). Header for
the display of this thread view.
trdfoot.htm - (sub-action 7 and 10). Footer if
messages were displayed.
trdend.htm - (sub-action 7 and 10). Header if
no new messages are to be displayed.
stor_dt.htm - (sub-action 15). Actual
story data for the short view of
the story.
stfl_dt.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page, the
actual full story.
stfl_cmn.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page when
viewing the full story, the comments
to this story are shown using this
stfl_hd.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page when
viewing the full story. Header
stfl_f2.htm - (sub-action 16). Show the full story
when the user is not logged in.
stfl_ft.htm - (sub-action 16). Show the full story
when the user is not logged in.
stor_hd.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page header
stor_f2.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page footer
when the user is not logged in
stor_ft.htm - (sub-action 16). Story page footer
when the user is logged in.
rdhead1.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Message
reader. This is the beginning of
the reader.
rdhead2.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Message
reader header, is not a reply.
rdhead3.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Message
reader header, is a reply to another
rdhead4.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Hasn't got
any replies.
rdhead5.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Has replies.
rdhead6.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Message reader
header, has no thread linked to
rdhead7.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Message
reader header, has thread(s)
linked to it.
rdhead99.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). And closing
message reader header.
rdtextn.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Displaying of
regular text
rdtextq.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Displaying of
quoted text
rdtextk.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Displaying of
kludge lines.
rdtextt.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Displaying of
tear and origin lines.
rdfoot.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Footer for
reading this message.
rderror.htm - (sub-action 2 and 10). Error reading
this message.
rd_flhd.htm - (sub-action 9). Flat message reader
rd_flhd1.htm - (sub-action 9). Flat message reader,
odd messages header.
rd_flhd2.htm - (sub-action 9). Flat message reader,
even messages header.
rdfltxth.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
show normal buttons.
rdfltxta.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
sysop access buttons.
rdfltxtc.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
text between code tags
rd_flft1.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
odd message footer.
rd_flft2.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
even message footer.
rd_flft.htm - (sub-action 10). Flat message reader,
delerr2.htm - (sub-action 2). You cannot delete
messages when it already has replies.
delsucc.htm - (sub-action 2). Template to show
that the message is deleted.
delerror.htm - (sub-action 2). Template to show
that the message could not be
deleted (eg: no access)
wmsg_tre.htm - (sub-action 5). Template for
changing a message.
wmsg_six.htm - (sub-action 5). Reply to a comment.
wmsg_fiv.htm - (sub-action 5). Reply to a story.
wmsg_two.htm - (sub-action 5). Reply to a message.
wmsg_for.htm - (sub-action 3). Post a new forum
wmsg_one.htm - (sub-action 3). Post a new message.
werror - (sub-action 3). Error:
0 - Update successful
1 - No write access to this area
2 - "From" is not entered
3 - "To" is not entered
4 - "Subject" is empty
5 - Message to "Sysop" in
an echomail area
6 - Tried to write a netmail
7 - Invalid email address
w2succ.htm - (sub-action 12). Template to show
that message changes have been
applied successfully.
STRIPHTM.PAS - Parameter(s):
This script should *not* be run from within the
web browser. It should be run from the command
prompt. The script will remove unnecessary white
space from HTML code and will join several lines
into one. This will greatly increase the speed
of EleWEB's output to the end user.
It is recommended to have a separate directory
where you put your templates that are for
production, and a seperate directory for your
On your production directory, you could run the
"striphtm" script.
"eleweb striphtm"
will display how to use this script.
STRTLOG.PAS - Parameter(s):
The "login.htm" HTML file redirects to this script.
This script checks whether the user already has a
cookie, and if so is directly logged in. If no
cookies exist for EleWEB, the "please login" page
is displayed. This facilitates the auto login
of users.
UINFO.PAS - Parameter(s):
- uname Username to search for
- urec Userrecord to search for
This script displays some info about the selected
uinfdata.htm - Template that is used to show the
user data
uinferr.htm - Template that is used when the
user was not found.
UBB codes
EleWEB supports the use of UBB codes in the forum and the frontpage. Below is a list of codes that are
supported and recognized by EleWEB:
[img] Full URL to the picture [/img]
[b] Display this text in bold [/b]
[i] Display this text in italic [/i]
[s] Make this text strike through [/s]
[u] Underline this text [/u]
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