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   °ÛÛ°°°° ÛÛ °ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ °ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ °ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ          DOORWAY TO
   °ÛÛ    °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛ    ÛÛ        UNLIMITED DOORS
   °ÛÛ    °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°
   °ÛÛ    °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛ   °ÛÛ °ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ      ÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛ      ÛÛ
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                                        °ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ °ÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛ      °ÛÛ
   https://pcmicro.com/doorway           °ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ °ÛÛ    °ÛÛ      °ÛÛ
   Version 2.32                          °°°°°°°°°°  °°     °°       °°

          (C)Copyright 1987-2006 PC Micro Systems, Inc. and Marshall Dudley.

          The following 29 files are included in the DOORWAY ver. 2.32 ZIP file:

               ANSIPAT.DOC       The documentation for ANSIPAT.EXE.

               ANSIPAT.EXE       A  program  which patches  ANSI.SYS to  make it
                                 issue line feeds when it reaches  the bottom of
                                 the screen.  For DOS prior to Version 5 only.

               COMMAND.COM       A freeware replacement for the DOS COMMAND.COM
                                 which works well under Windows.

               CONFIG.HLP        The help file for DWHOST during configuration.

               DOORSYS.DOC       Documentation  on  both  DOORWAY DOOR.SYS  file
                                 and the "Standard" one.

               DOORWAY.DOC       This file.  Main documentation for DOORWAY.

               DOORWAY.EXE       The DOORWAY executable file.

               DROPMENU          A  menu  for  the  DROP  to  DOS  which  allows
                                 selection   of  either   24  or   25  line  COM
                                 programs.  Place a  /I:DROPMENU in the  DOORWAY
                                 command line to use.

               DWCOMM.DOC        The documentation for using DWCOMM.

               DWCOMM.EXE        A simple com program to  use as the remote  for
                                 a DOORWAY session.

               DWCONFIG.EXE      A  program which  will produce  a configuration
                                 file  for DOORWAY.   To  use the  configuration
                                 file  place  a  DOORWAY.CFG  in  place  of  the
                                 switches. ie. DOORWAY COM1 DOORWAY.CFG.

               DWHOST.COM        A  HOST  program which  will answer  the phone,
                                 and  pass  control to  DOORWAY.    Set up  with
                                 DOORWAY to answer phone  and allow drop to  DOS

                                          i             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
               DWHOST.DOC        The documentation file for DWHOST.

               DWHOST.OVR        The overlay file for DWHOST.EXE.

               DWREDIR.COM       Program   to   allow  you   to   turn   DOORWAY
                                 redirection on and off.

               DWREDIR.DOC       Documentation on using DWREDIR.

               DWXFER.EXE        A transfer  protocol which works  under DOORWAY
                                 in DOS.

               DWXFER.DOC        The documentation for DWXFER.

               DWR.BAT           A  batch file  to use  DSZ's ZMODEM  to receive

               DWS.BAT           A  batch  file  to  use DSZ's  ZMODEM  to  send

               GIVESCAN.EXE      An executable  which will give  the scan  codes
                                 for extended keys.  This is  handy for defining
                                 extended  key  entries  for  the  carrier  loss
                                 terminate sequence.

               HOST.BAT          A batch file to  bring up the HOST,  for remote

               INSTALL.EXE       An   installation program   to  install DOORWAY
                                 for remote access, using DWHOST.

               README.1ST        A short note for  those who are simply  wanting
                                 to implement a remote capability with DWHOST.

               SEND.DOC          The documentation for SEND.EXE.

               SEND.EXE          A  program to  send a text  file out  the modem
                                 under  DOORWAY, and  pause at  the end  of each

               WHATS.NEW         What's new since version 2.12.

               XTABLE.DOC        Documentation for XTABLE.EXE.

               XTABLE.EXE        A program to make key translation tables.

                                          ii            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL

               DOORWAY is a  software program which  allows remote control of  a
               computer via a  modem or telnet connection. It also allows almost
               any DOS program  to be run as a door for  bulletin board systems.
               Bulletin boards can utilize DOORWAY to transform normal  programs
               into "DOORS", and anyone can use DOORWAY as a remote utility.
               As a remote utility,  DOORWAY will allow you  to control a distant
               computer  via modem or telnet connection,  as if you were there.
               DOORWAY will redirect all console programs on the host  computer.

               DOORWAY shells to the program to run, or shells COMMAND.COM, when
               used as a remote utility.   DOORWAY then translates and redirects
               all video to the required COM port and all COM port inputs to the
               keyboard buffer.  BIOS  interrupts or screen RAM  comparisons are
               used, so that programs, which DOS CTTY cannot redirect, can still
               be  used. The HOST's  keyboard is  active so  that the  SYSOP (or
               person on the  HOST end)  can aid  a REMOTE user,  and the  SYSOP
               (bulletin board SYStem OPerator) can monitor what the REMOTE user
               is  doing.    COMMAND.COM  is   not  loaded  by  DOORWAY   unless
               specifically instructed to do so by  the HOST setup; therefore, a
               user cannot break a program and get to  DOS. If the user exits or
               breaks the program, he will simply  return to DOORWAY, which will
               return to the  bulletin board (or  HOST program) after  resetting
               all  vectors,  including  any the  application  program  may have

               Doorway monitors Carrier  Detect, and after displaying  a message
               that carrier was lost, returns to the bulletin board or HOST.  It
               monitors the input  character string  and traps any  character(s)
               the SYSOP wants trapped (such as  ^C).  DOORWAY can also abort  a
               program with any character(s) the  SYSOP has defined, thus making
               it possible to run UNBREAKABLE programs,  such as many commercial
               games (check  with the game  publisher to verify  this is  not in
               violation of their copyright).

               The keyboard time  and user's time  are monitored, and if  either
               expires, DOORWAY will  return to the  board (or HOST).   Keyboard
               expiration  time  is settable,  but  defaults to  255  seconds (4
               minutes 15 seconds).   See section  3 for more information.   The
               keyboard timeout is reset  on both the com port  and the bulletin
               board's keyboard, so characters entered at  either will reset the
               timer.  It can also  be reset  by video updates.   If you  set up
               DOORWAY to use  PCBOARD.SYS or  DOOR.SYS, the user  time will  be
               computed  from  what time  he has  left,  unless overridden  by a
               command line switch.

               Full  ANSI GRAPHICS  are supported, but  if your  program doesn't
               need it, DOORWAY  will work just fine in NON-ANSI  mode.  DOORWAY
               also allows the  REMOTE user  to send all  the extended  keyboard
               codes, such as the cursor, ALT and FUNCTION keys.

                                         iii            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL

                   1.   QUICK START   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
                       A.  A Quick DROP to DOS Implementation . . . . .   1
                       B.  A Quick DOORS Implementation . . . . . . . .   1

                   2.   FILES   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
                       A.  The INITIAL WELCOME File . . . . . . . . . .   3
                       B.  The APPLICATION PROGRAM  . . . . . . . . . .   6
                       C.  The EXIT MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
                       D.  The TRANSLATION TABLE  . . . . . . . . . . .   6

                   3.   INSTALLATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
                       A. The Batch File  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
                       B. Quick Switch Summary  . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
                       C.  Detailed Switch Definitions  . . . . . . . .   9
                           /A: Alarm (bell) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
                           /B: /B:X, /B:M, /B:MS, /B:Z, /B:A  . . . . .   9
                           /C:DOS or /C:VIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
                           /D: Disable Disk writes  . . . . . . . . . .  11
                           /E: Name of the EXIT MESSAGE file  . . . . .  11
                           /F: Fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
                           /G: ANSI GRAPHICs  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                           /H: Halt shells to DOS . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                           /I: Name of the WELCOME MESSAGE file . . . .  12
                           /J: Scroll threshold . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
                           /K: KEYBOARD TIMEOUT TIMER . . . . . . . . .  12
                           /L: Add line feeds . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
                           /M: Maximum time allowed . . . . . . . . . .  14
                           /N: NETWORK  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
                           /O: Override the DOORWAY title screen  . . .  14
                           /P: The program name . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
                           /Q: Quick Basic  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
                           /R: RETURN (abort) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
                           /RB REBOOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
                           /S: Where to look for .SYS file  . . . . . .  15
                           /T: TRAP Characters  . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
                           /U: Get shadow buffer from multi-tasker  . .  16
                           /V:   Video mode, Direct or BIOS . . . . . .  16
                           /W: Pause at program termination . . . . . .  17
                           /X: Load and use a translation table . . . .  17
                           /Y: Printer trapping/redirection . . . . . .  18
                           /Z: Use a custom exit message  . . . . . . .  18
                           /19: Use the DOS interrupt 19 for rebooting   18
                           /80: Force 80 column mode  . . . . . . . . .  18

                   4.   RECOMMENDED STARTING SETTINGS   . . . . . . . .  19

                   5.   MULTITASKING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

                   6.   EXTENDED KEYBOARD CODE SUPPORT  . . . . . . . .  20

                                               iv       Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   7.   DROP TO DOS OR REMOTE CAPABILITY  . . . . . . .  20

                   8.  USER ABORTS AND LOST CARRIERS  . . . . . . . . .  22

                   9.   REGISTRATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

                   10.  ORDER BLANK   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

                   11.     QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  . . . . . . . . . . .  27

                   APPENDIX A   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33

                   APPENDIX B   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

                   APPENDIX C   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35

                                               v        Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   1.   QUICK START

                     A. A Quick DROP to DOS Implementation

                        For  the  easiest  quick   start  run  the  INSTALL
                        program. It will set  up the HOST for remote access
                        automatically.  Once  you run  this program  simply
                        type  HOST  to bring  up the  host program  via the
                        HOST.BAT file.

                        If  you  are  using  a  bulletin board  program  or
                        another host program then set up  your HOST to call
                        a  batch  file.    The  HOST  can  be   almost  any
                        communications program set  up in  HOST mode, or  a
                        full blown BBS  program set up for  remote (see its
                        documentation  on how to  implement host  or remote
                        mode).   Use the following line  for the batch file
                        it calls:

                     DOORWAY COM1 /S:* /G:ON /V:B^U /M:1000 /B:MSZ /C:DOS

                        This line tells DOORWAY to redirect to COM1, not to
                        look for any  user specific  files (/S:*), turn  on
                        graphics  (and cursor  control)  (/G:ON), use  BIOS
                        redirection  but allow  remote  user to  switch  to
                        DIRECT SCREEN mode  with a  control "U", allow  the
                        user 1000  minutes in  DOS (/M:1000),  and to  load
                        COMMAND.COM and shell to DOS (/C:DOS).

                        The /B:MSZ deals with the bottom line, and for best
                        results, one or more of the letters after the colon
                        may  be left out. Results will depend on the remote
                        communication package, and whether it is set up for
                        24 line (with a status line) mode, or 25 line mode.
                        See  the  section  on  the   /B:  switch  for  more
                        information.   Remove this  switch entirely if  you
                        are using the included DWCOMM.

                     B. A Quick DOORS Implementation

                        A quick start on a DOOR for a bulletin board system
                        can  be a  little  more complicated.    One of  the
                        following may be used to implement a DOOR:

                        i.   For  PCBOARD or  a system  which generates  the
                             PCBOARD.SYS   file  and  does  NOT  use  direct
                             screen  writes  (does  not  write  directly  to
                             screen RAM):

                               DOORWAY COM1 /S:C:\PCB /B:MZ /P:PROGRAM.EXT

                                          1             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        ii.  For  same as  above but DOES  use direct screen

                           DOORWAY COM1 /S:C:\PCB /B:MZ /V:D /P:PROGRAM.EXT

                        iii. For a system which  generates DOOR.SYS file and
                             does NOT use direct screen writes:

                               DOORWAY SYS /B:MZ /P:PROGRAM.EXT

                        iv.  For  a system  which generates  a DOOR.SYS file
                             and uses  direct screen writes:

                                DOORWAY SYS /B:MZ /V:D /P:PROGRAM.EXT

                        See section 3 for details on batch file 'switches'.

                   The PROGRAM.EXT is  the name of the program  to put in a
                   "DOOR". The extension MUST be given, and  any parameters
                   to  be  passed to  it must  follow the  filename  on the
                   command  line.    If  the  program  is  in  a  different
                   subdirectory  than the presently  logged drive, then the
                   program should  be preceded by  the path to the  program
                   to be executed.   Also if the  program is going to  look
                   in  its own  subdirectory for any of  its files, you may
                   need to put a  /CD on the command line  to  tell DOORWAY
                   to log into  the program's subdirectory before  shelling
                   it. DO NOT FOLLOW THE  /CD WITH A PATH, the path will be
                   obtained from the /P: switch.

                   If  the  program  requires  cursor  positioning,  and/or
                   colors for proper operation a "/G:ON"  needs to be added
                   in front of  the /P: switch to  force graphics on if  in
                   BIOS mode.

                   If line  feeds  are  being missed  in  BIOS  mode,  then
                   either  add  a  /L:,  use  ANSI.COM  from   PC  MAGAZINE
                   utilities,  or use ANSIPAT.EXE on  your ANSI.SYS.  DOS 5
                   ANSI.SYS does not require any of these measures.

                   2.   FILES

                        Upon  initialization,  DOORWAY  looks  for  several
                        files:  The   INITIAL  WELCOME,   the   APPLICATION
                        PROGRAM,  the EXIT MESSAGE or  a TRANSLATION TABLE.
                        The  INITIAL WELCOME  and EXIT  MESSAGE  are simply
                        ASCII  (or  ANSI)  files, and  the  PROGRAM  can be
                        either a  .COM or .EXE program (for  a .BAT program
                        the /C:VIA switch must be  added).  The TRANSLATION
                        TABLE  is  generated   by  the  XTABLE.EXE  program
                        provided with DOORWAY. See  the XTABLE.DOC file for

                                          2             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        more information.  If the  INITIAL WELCOME or  EXIT
                        message  has  ANSI  codes  in   it,  they  will  be
                        displayed properly on the HOST and REMOTE ends.

                     A. The INITIAL WELCOME File

                        This ASCII or  ANSI file  informs the  user of  the
                        PROGRAM  about  to   be  executed  and  nay   setup
                        requirements;  such as set  NUMLOC key  and/or have
                        ANSI  graphics installed.  If any  line  is started
                        with a $:, then  that line will be printed (without
                        the "$:") and  a "Y", "N"  or [CR] must  be entered
                        before the output  will continue.  This  allows the
                        screen display to  be paused with a  statement such

                             $:ENTER CARRIAGE RETURN TO CONTINUE; N TO QUIT

                        NOTE:  The $: must be  preceded by a CRLF sequence.
                        ANSI  editors   generally  do  not  use   the  CRLF
                        sequence.  If necessary use an  ASCII editor to add
                        the CR/LF sequence  to your ansi screen  prior this

                        If the user  enters a  [CR] or [Y]  to the  prompt,
                        DOORWAY will   run the application program;  but if
                        (s)he enters an [N],    DOORWAY will return  to the
                        Bulletin Board or HOST.

                        The initial welcome can be  made into a menu.  This
                        is similar to the monitor  function seen on RBBS's.
                        When DOORWAY is  executed, a menu can  be displayed
                        for  selection of  action to  be taken;  ie.  Run a
                        program,  DROP  TO DOS,  etc.   The  user  enters a
                        number from 0 to 9 or character from A to Z and the
                        program selected is loaded and  run.  When aborted,
                        DOORWAY returns to the menu, to let the user select
                        another door  if desired.   To  exit the  menu, the
                        user enters either a number or  letter which is not
                        defined (such as a [Q]).  An @NAME@ and @TIME@ will
                        substitute the user name and time (Capital letters,
                        must be used.


                        The batch file:

                             doorway com1 /r:^k /g:on /i:menu

                        The following  page shows  the actual  text of  the
                        welcome file  with the filename of "MENU".

                                          3             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        The WELCOME FILE (MENU):

                        Welcome to Data  World BBS's  games doors.   Select
                        from one of the following doors.  When through, you
                        will  return  to  this  menu.   To  end  this doors
                        session, type either 'E', 'Q' or selection 5.

                        1.   Eatumup.  A  color  graphic  monster  maze game
                             (you need ANSI).
                        2.   4inarow.   Like  Orthello.  Can  you  beat  the
                             computer (ANSI).
                        3.   Big  Rig.  Drive a  truck  across  the  country
                        4.   Guessit.   Let  the  computer  guess  something
                             about you.
                        5.   The financial menu.
                        6.   Return to the HOST.

                        M:Please enter your selection (1-6):

                        /t:^C /p:4inarow.exe
                        /t:^C /r:^x /p:bigrig.exe
                        /g:off /p:guessit.exe

                        Please  note  that the  M:....,  and switches  must
                        start  on  the  left  margin   (preceded  by  CR/LF

                        Note that you  can chain menu's,  so that one  menu
                        calls another.  When the program is exited, it will
                        return to  the top  level menu.   For  example, the
                        switch  line  containing: /I:FMENU  will   call  up
                        another menu which  will be presented  exactly like
                        this one.   See section XX for an example of FMENU.

                        The  M:  means  that it  is  to  stop  and  input a
                        selection number.  The selection numbers start with
                        0 and runs  0-9, then  A-Z. Since a  blank line  is
                        between the M:  line and  the first selection,  the
                        menu in this case starts with 1.

                        The  command  line sets  the  defaults for  ALL the
                        programs in the menu. Thus the graphics will be on,
                        and the ^K will cause an  external abort in all the
                        programs,  unless set  differently.   4inarow  will
                        also trap for , and Big Rig will also abort
                        with a .   "GUESSIT"  has the main  command
                        line ANSI ON directive, overridden with the /G:OFF.

                                          4             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        The m:...  may also  be used.   The  "M:" and  "m:"
                        behave differently  on  timeouts.   The  "M:"  will
                        return to the menu  if there is a keyboard  or user
                        timeout, but  the "m:" will return to  the HOST. If
                        PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS is being read and using the
                        actual user's  time, it  is preferable  to use  the
                        small "m"; however if only 10  minutes in a door is
                        given, then the capital "M" would be more logical.

                        DOORWAY can also password protect  any door, or the
                        drop to   DOS.   Create a welcome file, and on  the
                        last line enter:


                        For example:

                             Enter the password for exit to dos:

                        If  this is in  the INITIAL  WELCOME file  for your
                        DROP TO  DOS,  the user  will see  the first  line,
                        prompting  him for the  password. When  password is
                        entered,  dots will  echo  keyboard  entry. If  the
                        password is entered correctly, the door, or DROP TO
                        DOS in this case, will be executed.   Otherwise, he
                        will get a message that the password is wrong,  and
                        he will be returned to the  HOST.  The password may
                        be either upper  or lower case letters,  as DOORWAY
                        doesn't differentiate between them.

                                          5             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                     B. The APPLICATION PROGRAM

                        The application  program can be  virtually any .COM
                        or  .EXE  program. It  can  also  be a  .BAT  file,
                        provided a /C:DOS  is added to the  DOORWAY command
                        line. Note that the name of  the program to be run,
                        and  the  path, if  not  in the  same  directory as
                        DOORWAY, must be  given EXTENSION and ALL.  This is
                        because  COMMAND.COM  is   not  loaded  for  safety
                        reasons,  and to  conserve  memory.   Although  the
                        SYSOP   give  the   program   name  as   "BASIC.EXE
                        APPLICATION", it  is not  recommended. If  the user
                        was able to break the interpreted basic program, or
                        it were  to abort  on  a critical  error, the  user
                        would be in the  basic interpreter.  Then, he could
                        do a shell command which  loads COMMAND.COM, and be
                        in DOS.  After checking out the BASIC program, then
                        by all means compile  it so a break will  return to
                        DOORWAY, which will  in turn return control  to the
                        HOST.  If the program is being run from a different
                        directory than the logged directory,  and looks for
                        any  files  in  the  logged  directly,  it  may  be
                        necessary  to add a /CD to the DOORWAY command line
                        so the program's directory will  be logged prior to
                        execution.  If  the appication program has  a shell
                        to DOS  capability be  sure to  put  a /H:  in  the
                        DOORWAY command line to prevent them.

                     C. The EXIT MESSAGE

                        This is essentially the same as the INITIAL WELCOME
                        FILE message,  but is typed  after the  application
                        program is run. The  "$:" will wait after that line
                        is output, just as  in the menu above, but  any [Y]
                        or [N] responses will be ignored by DOORWAY.

                     D. The TRANSLATION TABLE

                        The  Translation   Table  allow  you   to  redefine
                        characters from  the REMOTE.   For more information
                        see XTABLE.DOC file.

                                          6             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   3.   INSTALLATION

                     A. The Batch File

                        The  batch file  for DOORWAY  to run a  door should
                        look something like this:

           DOORWAY COM1 /I:WEL /E:EXM /T:^C /R:^K /G:ON /S:\PCB /P:PROG.EXE

                        Or if you are using the configuration file:

                                 DOORWAY COM1 DOORWAY.CFG

                        If  you  are  using  the  configuration  file,  all
                        switches  are  identical  to what  is  used  on the
                        command line.   Each switch must  be on a  seperate

                        The  COM  (or  PORT) selection  must  be  the first
                        command  line parameter  (unless you are  using the
                        DOOR.SYS file),  and the  program (or  /C:DOS if  a
                        drop to dos)  must be the  last, but all  the other
                        switches can be in any order.

                             DOORWAY > The DOORWAY program

                             COM1  >  The com  port  number.   Can  be COM1,
                             COM1:,  COM2, COM2:,  COM3, COM3:, COM4, COM4:,
                             PORT:AAAA:I,  SYS, TBBS or LOCAL.  Also each of
                             these possibilities  can be  followed by a  "X"
                             or  "F" or "D", as  COM1F or SYSF. The COM will
                             be  overridden and  DOORWAY  will run  in local
                             mode  if the  board was signed  on locally, and
                             PCBOARD.SYS  or DOOR.SYS  is  found.   The  SYS
                             tells  it to look for the file DOOR.SYS instead
                             of PCBOARD.SYS in its current  directory.  This
                             generic   door  interface   file  contains  the
                             user's  name, port  number,  time left  and  so
                             forth. For the  actual construction of this SYS
                             file, look at the DOORSYS.DOC file included  in
                             this  package.   DOORWAY  will  make use  of  a
                             short form DOOR.SYS or the "standard"  DOOR.SYS
                             file  created  by  GAP,  Wildcat,  PCBOARD  and
                             other bulletin  board  packages.   You can  use
                             either   of   these   formats,   DOORWAY   will
                             determine which it is automatically.

                             The  additional COM3  and COM4  support  allows
                             some  COM ports, addressed as COM3 and COM4, to
                             be used with DOORWAY.  The  address of the UART
                             base address must  be found in RAM at 40:4  and
                             40:6,  for  DOORWAY to  find the  ports.   COM3

                                          7             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                             will   use  interrupt  4  and   COM4  will  use
                             interrupt 3 (same  as COM1 and COM2).  If  your
                             system  doesn't map  the addresses  of the  COM
                             ports  into low memory,  or the port uses other
                             than  these interrupt  requests, you  will have
                             to  give DOORWAY the  actual address and IRQ of
                             the  COM port.  Use the PORT:AAAA:I, where AAAA
                             is  4 hexadecimal digits of the base address of
                             the  port,   and  I  is   a  hexadecimal  digit
                             indicating    the   interrupt    number.   (ie.
                             PORT:03F8:4  = COM1).   If you  are reading the
                             DOOR.SYS file  and using  a non-standard  port,
                             then  you  can  use  the  SYS:AAAA:I  format to
                             specify the address and IRQ.

                             If  the  additional  parameter  "F"  is  placed
                             after  the COM or  SYS, then this tells DOORWAY
                             to    use   a    Fossil   driver    for    it's
                             communications.  If  you are not familiar  with
                             Fossil  drivers,  then  do   not  use  the  "F"
                             parameter.    The  "D" is  similar,  and  tells
                             DOORWAY  to use the  Digiboard calls if you are
                             using a Digiboard multiple com board.

                             Also if you  place the additional parameter "X"
                             after the COM  or SYS, DOORWAY  will not do any
                             redirection,   but   will  still   monitor  the
                             carrier  and the  keyboard and user  time. This
                             is  in case you  have a program already written
                             as  a door, but it doesn't monitor these things
                             properly.   The "X" and "F" may both be used in
                             that order.

                             If  you are  using the SYS  & have non-standard
                             com  ports  you can  instruct DOORWAY  where to
                             find  the com  port by  following the  sys with
                             the port address and irq (ie. SYS:03F8:4).

                     B. Quick Switch Summary

                        Switch  definition                        operands

                        /A:  ALARM (bell)                         ON/OFF
                        /B:  BOTTOM LINE DIRECTIVES               M/S/X/Z/A
                             Move, Scroll, eXclude, and no linewrap
                        /C:  LOAD COMMAND.COM                     DOS/VIA
                        /CD  CHANGE DIRECTORY INTO PROGRAM'S DIR  [NONE]
                        /D:  DISABLE DISK WRITES                  [NONE]
                        /E:  EXIT MESSAGE                         FILENAME
                        /F:  FAST                                 [NONE]
                        /FC  FORCE CARRIER fOR NULL MODEMS        [NONE]
                        /G:  GRAPHICS AND ANSI CONTROL            ON/OFF

                                          8             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        /H:  HALT SHELLS TO DOS                   [NONE]
                        /I:  INITIAL WELCOME SCREEN (OR MENU)     FILENAME
                        /J:  SCROLL THRESHOLD                     THRESHLD
                        /K:  KEYBOARD TIMEOUT                     SECONDS
                        /KBD Use Bios to insert keyboard chars.   [NONE]
                        /KS  Update keyboard status byte          [NONE]
                        /L:  ADD LINE FEED IF ANSI DIDN'T         [NONE]
                        /M:  MAXIMUM USER TIME                    MINUTES
                        /N:  OPEN FILES WITH NETWORK SHARING      [NONE]
                        /NCD NO NO-CARRIER DELAY                  [NONE]
                        /P:  THE APPLICATION PROGRAM WITH EXT.    PROG.EXT
                        /Q:  TELL QUICKBASIC 4.0 REDIRECTION IS ON[NONE]
                        /R:  CHARACTER TO RETURN TO HOST ON (BREAK PROG.)
                        /RB  REBOOT ON CARRIER LOSS AND TIMEOUTS  [NONE]
                        /S:  WHERE DOOR.SYS or  PCBOARD.SYS FILE  IS LOCATED
                                                                 SYS PATH/*
                        /T:  CHARACTER TO TRAP FROM REMOTE        CHAR.
                        /V:  VIDEO MODE, AND SWITCH               D/B/CHAR
                        /W:  WAIT AT END OF PROGRAM BEFORE CLS    [NONE]
                        /X:  USE THE TRANSLATION TABLE            FILENAME
                        /Y:  TRAP OR REDIRECT PRINTER OUTPUT      NONE,FR
                        /19  USE THE DOS INTERRUPT 19 FOR REBOOTING[NONE]
                        /80  LOCK HOST INTO 80 COLUMN MODE        [NONE]
                        /450 Ignore 16550 or 16650, treat as 16450[NONE]

                     C. Detailed Switch Definitions

                        /A: Alarm (bell)  is enabled on the  Board computer
                        if ON, disabled if OFF. If  left out, the bell will
                        follow  the  ALARM setting  of  the  PCBOARD.SYS or
                        DOOR.SYS.     Default  =  OFF.  ie.  "/A:ON",  will
                        override the PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS setting.

                        /B: /B:X,  /B:M, /B:MS,  /B:Z, /B:A.   These  codes
                        deal  with  line  25  of  the  display.     If  the
                        application program tries to position the cursor to
                        line  25,  some  modem  programs,  such as  QMODEM,
                        ignore  the  request,  since line  25  contains the
                        Modem's status information.  This can be disastrous
                        for some programs  which also  write on this  line,
                        since it will appear randomly on the user's screen.
                        The /B:X will simply not  send any characters which
                        are  on  line  25,  and  the  /B:M  will  move  the
                        characters to the line above (line 24).

                        If things do  not appear correctly when  the cursor
                        gets to the bottom  of the screen, try  adding /B:M

                                          9             Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        to the command line. Generally,  you will want this
                        switch for a drop to dos function, if you are using
                        a com program which will not allow you to eliminate
                        the  status  line.   However,  if your  com program
                        (Such as QMODEM  4.0) does  allow you to  eliminate
                        the status line, it is highly recommended to do so,
                        and not use a /B:M.

                        DOORWAY  will send a  sequence which  will position
                        the cursor at the bottom of  the screen for both 24
                        and   25   line  modem   programs.     For  maximum
                        compatibility, it is highly recommended to put /B:M
                        or  /B:MS  in  for  ALL  door programs,  unless  it
                        specifically causes a  problem.  Since line  24 and
                        25 will  be going to line 24 if  you do a /B:M, you
                        may need to put  a /B:MS on a drop to  dos and some
                        text  programs. This  tells DOORWAY  to  scroll the
                        screen when it moves  the line from 25 to  24 (BIOS
                        mode  only), if the last  line written was line 24.
                        Otherwise,   you  may   find  that  line   24  gets
                        overwritten once, when  text is being printed.   If
                        you are  using the /L: and /B:M,  this will already
                        be taken care of by the /L: switch.

                        A "Z"  can also  be placed  in this  sequence.   It
                        tells DOORWAY to NOT write  the very last character
                        of  the  bottom line.  Some  programs will  write a
                        character there, quite  often a  space, making  the
                        remote's   screen   scroll,   when  it   shouldn't.
                        Obviously, you will  be missing a character  on the
                        right of the screen if you do this, and a character
                        is supposed to  go there.   If the comm  program on
                        the  remote  end  scrolls  when  the  bottom  right
                        character  is written,  then it will  be absolutely
                        necessary to use the "Z".

                        The "A"  parameter  senses the  correct  number  of
                        lines on the remote.  It can be used in conjunction
                        with  the other switches, which  become defaults if
                        Doorway is  unable to  sense the  number of  lines.
                        Doorway will  also sense  if the  "Z" parameter  is
                        needed when the "A" parameter is used.

                        The /B: switch  can be  eliminated entirely if  you
                        are  using  DWCOMM on  the  remote end,  as DOORWAY
                        senses  DWCOMM  and  will  configure  properly  for
                        maximum compatibility and capability.

                        /C:DOS or /C:VIA.   The /C: will  cause COMMAND.COM
                        to be loaded.  The /C:DOS will then exit to DOS and
                        allow you to  perform DOS functions over  the modem
                        for remote computing.   Enter  "EXIT" to return  to

                                          10            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        the  HOST.   You  do  not need  to  be in  the same
                        directory where  the  DROP TO  DOS  occured  before
                        exiting from DOS.  The  VIA function will load  the
                        program (or  batch  file)  which  follows  the  /P:
                        parameter  via  COMMAND.COM.     If  you  load  via
                        COMMAND.COM, then path  searching will be supported
                        and the path and extension of program name need not
                        be given. Obviously, the DOS function is  not for a
                        door at all, but for a REMOTE drop to DOS function.
                        You can do a DOORWAY ....  /C:DOS, either in a high
                        security  door,  or in  the  REMOTE batch  file for
                        REMOTE DROP TO DOS.

                        /CD Change Directory  into the  directory that  the
                        program is in.   If DOORWAY  is being run  from one
                        directory and the program being shelled is run from
                        another  directory, the  program may  be  unable to
                        find some of it's  files.  Use this switch  to tell
                        DOORWAY to  change directories  into the  directory
                        the program is  in prior to executing  the program,
                        and then change  back when  execution is  complete.
                        IMPORTANT: The path goes on  the /P: parameter, not
                        on the /CD switch.

                        /D:   Disable  Disk  writes.     This  switch  will
                        intercept all DOS  calls and not allow  disk writes
                        to take place.   This  can be handy  for a  program
                        like a  game which insists on writing a score file.
                        It may  cause problems  for programs which  require
                        writing to disk to run.

                        /E: Name of the  EXIT MESSAGE file.  No  message if
                        left out. If  graphics are ON, will  search for the
                        file with an  .ANS extension and  use it if  found.
                        See earlier section on the EXIT MESSAGE.

                        /F: Fast.   Functional only if Graphics is 'ON' and
                        in non-direct  (BIOS) screen  mode.   Some programs
                        move   the  cursor  all  over   the  place  between
                        characters written, (Quick Basic  compilers tend to
                        do this).  Each  new locate of the cursor  normally
                        generates an 8 character ANSI  sequence to send out
                        the  modem.    For some  games,  this unnecessarily
                        slows down the action.   The /F: will not  send ANY
                        ANSI sequences on a cursor locate until a character
                        is  ready  to be  written.   However,  since cursor
                        relocates are not  done until a character  is to be
                        written,  this gives  the  strange  effect  of  not
                        seeing a Carriage  Return have  any effect until  a
                        printable  character is sent to the modem.  It also
                        has the  strange effect  of having  the cursor  one
                        right  of  where  you would  expect,  if  you enter

                                          11            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        backspaces  over  something.   There  are  very few
                        cases  where  this  switch should  be  used,  if in
                        doubt, leave it out.

                        /FC: Force  carrier detect.   This is for  use with
                        Null modems cables.   It will not  detect a carrier
                        loss if used.

                        /G: ANSI GRAPHICs  enabled if ON, disabled  if OFF,
                        AUTO if A.  If left out,  it will be as  defined in
                        the PCBOARD.SYS, or DOOR.SYS file. Default is AUTO,
                        which asks the remote if  it can support ANSI,  and
                        configures automatically.  Forced  on automatically
                        if DIRECT SCREEN is ON. (See /V switch)

                        /H: Halt  shells to  DOS.   You may  want to put  a
                        program into a door which allows the  user to shell
                        to dos (such as LIST).

                        This switch will  prevent the program from  doing a
                        shell to DOS.  Since a program may do a shell  in a
                        non-standard  way,   be  sure  to  verify  this  is
                        operational  with  any  program  before  making  it
                        available to general  users.  If the  alarm is "on"
                        DOORWAY will beep the HOST if anyone tries to shell
                        DOS.  Never put  in with a /C:DOS or  the operation
                        will fail with an access denied error.

                        /I: Name of the WELCOME MESSAGE file. No message if
                        left out. If there are two files with the same name
                        but one of them  has the extension of ANS,  the ANS
                        (ANSI GRAPHICS) version will be used if graphics is
                        on.  See previous section on INITIAL WELCOME.

                        /J: Scroll threshold.  It is normally not required.
                        When direct  screen writes are turned on, scrolling
                        of the remote screen is determined by how many more
                        lines  match  the  HOST  screen  if the  screen  is
                        scrolled than if it is not.   The default threshold
                        is 5, and if  you set 25 or  more, then the  remote
                        will never scroll.

                        /K: KEYBOARD TIMEOUT TIMER.   The /K: will accept a
                        number between  0 and  65,535 to  define how  long,
                        after  the last  character  was  received from  the
                        remote   or   local   keyboard,   to  wait   before
                        terminating the  door and  returning to  the board.
                        The  /K:0  is a  special  case which  will override
                        keyboard timeouts totally, (recommended for drop to
                        dos).   Also,  an  operand of  "V"  will reset  the
                        keyboard timer on each character  which is sent out
                        the port.  This is useful if you have  a door which

                                          12            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        sends out 10 minutes of text with no keyboard input
                        required. The user would otherwise be kicked out of
                        the door  after about  4 minutes,  since he  hadn't
                        entered anything.   Do not use a  /K:V on something
                        like eatumup though, since the continuous  movement
                        of the monsters will keep  the keyboard from timing
                        out.  A /K:100V will give a 100 second timeout, and
                        reset the timer on video.

                        /KBD Use  the BIOS  insert character  into keyboard
                        buffer  call   instead  of   maintaining   seperate
                        keyboard buffer.   Do not  use unless necessary  to
                        get the  remote keyboard buffer to work.   Will not
                        work   under   multitaskers,   which  will   always
                        interpret input as being from the foreground.  Also
                        programs which require an  INT 9 to "wake  up" such
                        as DOS EDIT will not  work with this switch.  It is
                        however necessary for many emulators, such as  3270
                        and erma emulators.

                        /KS Update keyboard  status.   When a character  is
                        received, toggle  the appropriate  keyboard  status
                        bits so that it appears that the ALT, CRTL or Shift
                        keys have been pressed.  This is for programs which
                        will not respond to an  ALT character in the buffer
                        unless it also  detects the ALT key  being pressed.
                        You may have  to tell your multitasker  to maintain
                        seperate shift states  when this switch is  used to
                        prevent Doorway in the background from interferring
                        with what you are typing in the foreground.

                        /L: Add line feeds when cursor is positioned at the
                        bottom of  the screen.   Various  ANSI.SYS's handle
                        the scroll differently when they  get to the bottom
                        of the screen.  Some do  not do a BIOS scroll,  but
                        do  the   scroll  directly  without  doing  a  BIOS
                        interrupt.  Thus, if  you do a DIR in DOS,  it will
                        work until  you get  to the  bottom of  the screen;
                        then,  all further lines will  overwrite the bottom
                        line.   The  /L: will  check for  the cursor  being
                        addressed at the start of the bottom line and add a
                        Line Feed, if it is there.  If you have an ANSI.SYS
                        which does the BIOS call,  you will get double line
                        feeds if you add this switch. Another way of fixing
                        this is  to use  a different ANSI.SYS,  or try  the
                        ANSIPAT patch  on your ANSI.SYS.  It should work on
                        most  MSDOS's.    It  is  recommended  to  use  the
                        ANSIPAT, if  it will  work, and  leave this  switch
                        out.   DOS  5 ANSI does  not require  any patching.
                        ANSI.COM  from  PC  Magazine is  another  very good
                        alternative that  does  not need  patching  and  is

                                          13            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        highly recommended.   It  is not  necessary to  use
                        this switch in direct screen mode.

                        /M: Maximum time  allowed.  This will  override the
                        time computed  from  the  PCBOARD.SYS  or  DOOR.SYS
                        file.  It is in  minutes and has a maximum value of
                        32766 minutes.  A time of 32767 minutes is entered,
                        it will override  timeouts completely.  Default  is
                        10  minutes.    Negative   values  will  cause   an
                        immediate abort.

                             This   is  functional  on  registered  versions
                             ONLY!  The demo version  will always default to
                             10 minutes.

                        /N: NETWORK.  If the /N:  switch is set,  all files
                        will  be  opened  network  compatible.    Both  the
                        INITIAL WELCOME,  and EXIT  MESSAGE will  be opened
                        share  compatible, and if the program being shelled
                        opens a file, DOORWAY will  change its open command
                        to a  share compatible  "Allow read  - deny  write"
                        open command.   Note that  the PCBOARD.SYS/DOOR.SYS
                        file  is closed  immediately after  reading  it, so
                        there  is  no  problem  accessing  these  from  the
                        program  being shelled.   COMMAND.COM  often  has a
                        problem  with  this switch,  so  if you  experience
                        lock-up's  on  drop to  DOS,  try  eliminating this

                        /NCD No delay  on carrier  loss.   This is  used for
                        direct  connects (NULL modem) where a 1 to 2 second
                        DTR drop must terminate the application.

                        /O: Override  the DOORWAY  title screen.  This  can
                        ONLY  be   done  after  registering  your  copy  of
                        DOORWAY.    When  this  switch   is  used  a  short
                        introduction screen  will still give  the user name
                        and  time.  A  /O:T will also  eliminate the delays
                        associated with the opening screen (recommended for
                        drop to dos).  See REGISTRATION below.

                        /P: The program name with the extension and path if
                        not in  the default directory.   This  MUST be  the
                        last  switch   on  the  command   line.    Anything
                        following the program  name will  be passed to  the
                        program  as  a  command  line  parameter  for  that
                        program.   This is  not used  for a  /C:DOS switch.
                        The path  to the  program can  precede the  program
                        name if necessary.  If the  program is a batch file
                        then  a /C:VIA  must be  used to  load  the command

                                          14            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        /Q: Quick Basic.   This  switch tells DOORWAY  that
                        the program being shelled is a Quick Basic ver. 4.0
                        program.  Doorway will intercept  the DOS calls and
                        tell  the  program   that  its  output  is   to  be
                        redirected.   Without this  switch, these  programs
                        will do  direct screen writes.   If a  program will
                        not send characters out the com port under DOORWAY,
                        but  can be redirected by CTTY,  Gateway or the ">"
                        symbol,  then  this  switch  may  allow  DOORWAY to
                        redirect it as well.  Note that a program expecting
                        redirected output may not send things like  colors,
                        and cursor  relocations.   Do not  use this  switch
                        with a drop to dos, as COMMAND.COM will not operate
                        properly.   You may  want to  experiment with  each
                        program and determine  if performance is better  in
                        direct  screen  write  mode  (/V:D),  or  with this
                        switch.   It is recommended  that programs compiled
                        with  QB 4.5 or  later use the  /V:D switch instead
                        due to problems in the QB compiler when redirected.

                        /R:  RETURN  (abort).   Each  of these  defines one
                        character with  which to  abort the  program.   The
                        character, with which to abort, will be the control
                        equivalent if preceded by a "^",  such as a ^C, for
                        an  ASCII  3.    If  the  user enters  the  control
                        character, the sysop will see "EXTERNAL USER ABORT"
                        displayed.     If  the  Sysop  enters   the  return
                        character, then the  user and Sysop will  receive a
                        message which says, "THE SYSOP HAS REQUESTED YOU TO
                        RETURN  TO  THE  BOARD", and  the  program  will be

                        /RB REBOOT.  If  you use this switch then  the HOST
                        computer  will  reboot  instead   of  breaking  the
                        application program on carrier loss and timeouts.

                        /S:  Where  to look  for  .SYS file.  ie.  \PCB\ or
                        C:\WC30.  Doorway  can tell  if the PCBOARD.SYS  is
                        version  11-12  or version  14,  and will  read and
                        interpret each properly without being told. If left
                        out, then it will  look in the same directory  that
                        DOORWAY is  in.  If  not found, then  the Graphics,
                        Alarm,  User  time  and  User  name  settings  will
                        default  to their "DEFAULT"  settings.   Thus, this
                        program is compatible with RBBS, WILDCAT, GT, OPUS,
                        RYBBS, QBBS, FORUM  and GENESIS as well.  For those
                        of  you  who  are running  other  than  PCBoard the
                        search for a .SYS file  can be totally over-ridden.
                        Entering an /s:* on the command line and the delays
                        associated with looking for PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS
                        and displaying  the  "NOT FOUND"  message  will  no
                        longer occur.   In order to  reliably run on  RBBS,

                                          15            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        you must set RBBS up to continue its batch file and
                        not shell for doors.   DOORWAY can also look  for a
                        generic  DOOR.SYS file  instead  of PCBOARD.SYS  by
                        placing a "SYS" where the com port normally goes in
                        the command line.

                        /T:  TRAP  Characters.   Each  of  these  defines a
                        character to trap out of the input.  If  there is a
                        ^ in front of the character,  it will look for that
                        control character.   A  ^@ will  trap all  extended
                        codes.    Multiple characters  can be  trapped (ie.

                        /U: Get shadow  buffer from multi-tasker.   This is
                        primarily used for  multi-taskers such as Desqview.
                        If Desqview  386  is mapping  background  video  to
                        addresses other  than the  normal video  card, this
                        switch may be necessary.  Usually you will need  to
                        either select virtualize  video in  DV 386, or  use
                        this switch. Using  both will  cause problems.   If
                        you are not  using a multitasker such  as Desqview,
                        do not use this switch!

                        /V:    Video  mode, Direct  or  BIOS.   Instead  of
                        redirecting  the  BIOS calls  for VIDEO,  this will
                        tell DOORWAY to check the  Host's screen against an
                        image  DOORWAY   maintains.     When   it  sees   a
                        difference,  it will send it  out the modem. A /V:D
                        will  put it  in direct  screen mode,  a  /V:B (the
                        default)  in  BIOS  call  mode.    You  can add  an
                        additional  character  to  allow switching  between
                        modes, such  as: /V:D^U  will start  out in  direct
                        screen mode, but allow you  to toggle between modes
                        with a control  U (on  remote end  only). A  screen
                        redraw can be accomplished by switching to BIOS and
                        back  to DIRECT.   It is highly  recommended NOT to
                        use anything other than  a 25 line mode on  the com
                        end for  this, on  a DROP  TO DOS.  A /B:Z will  be
                        necessary, if your com program doesn't support mode
                        setting  via ANSI.   Otherwise,  the  remote screen
                        will  scroll  when the  cursor  reaches the  bottom
                        right of  the screen, and  the remote end  will get
                        very messed up.  When a large portion of the screen
                        has changed, DOORWAY  checks to  see if the  screen
                        scrolled,  and if  it  did, sends  a scroll  to the
                        remote. DOORWAY will check for up to 5 scrolls.  If
                        the  HOST gets  more than  5 scrolls  ahead  of the
                        remote,  then  DOORWAY  will  start  rewriting  the
                        screen.  If this  happens, you may want to  enter a
                        ^S (for such  things as a dir in  DOS), and let the
                        remote  catch up  with the  HOST, so  they  can get
                        resynced.  It  is unlikely  this will be  necessary

                                          16            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        unless the  HOST is  a very  fast computer and  the
                        modem is operating at  a low baud rate (Enter  a ^Q
                        to restart).

                        Redirection of the Host's  screen occurs when there
                        are keyboard or timer interrupts.   Thus the remote
                        will be  updated as  quickly as  possible when  the
                        program is  waiting for  a keyboard interrupt,  and
                        will still redirect, although more slowly, when not
                        checking keyboard interrupts.

                        /W: Pause at program termination. If you put in the
                        /W: switch, it  will pause at  the completion of  a
                        program.  It will  not pause if there is  a carrier
                        loss,  or  if  the program  was  terminated  by the
                        Sysop. (Sysop  has  requested that  you  return  to

                        /X:  Load  and  use  a   translation  table.    The
                        translation  table can be generated and modified by
                        using the included  XTABLE.EXE program.  Additional
                        information can be  found in the translation  table
                        documentation  included   in   this   ZIP.      The
                        translation  table allows  redefining  any and  all
                        keys from  the remote  to the  host.   Thus,  if  a
                        program requires entering an [F10] to exit, you can
                        remap it to  say a ^Q  (control Q).   Some programs
                        such  as QEDIT use both  the character and the scan
                        code for  proper operation.   DOORWAY now  supplies
                        scan  codes to  the HOST's  program. For  instance,
                        entering the ESC  key will  put QEDIT into  command
                        mode, but  entering a  ^[  or ALT  27 will  instead
                        cause an escape  character (back arrow) to  be sent
                        to the text file. 

                        Of course, if an ESC character is received over the
                        modem, there is  no way  to tell which  of these  3
                        methods were used to generate  the ESCAPE.  DOORWAY
                        has a default set of scan codes, so when it sees an
                        ESC, it tells  QEDIT the ESC  key was pressed.   If
                        you want it  to tell  QEDIT that a  ^[ was  pushed,
                        then remap the ESC or some other key to a ^[ ESCAPE
                        with XTABLE.EXE.   Several  other keys are  handled
                        differently, most notably, the two sets  of numbers
                        (DOORWAY defaults  to the  ones at the  top of  the
                        keyboard), and the  two "-" and "+"  signs (DOORWAY
                        defaults to  the white ones).  For more information
                        on  XTABLE,  see the  XTABLE.DOC  file. If  you are
                        running out  of room on the command  line (DOS only
                        lets  you put  127 characters  on a line),  you can
                        eliminate the colons after the  switches.  It makes
                        reading  the  line  more difficult,  so  it  is not

                                          17            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        recommended  to leave  them  out unless  you really
                        need the space.

                        /Y:  Printer trapping/redirection.    If a  /Y:  is
                        placed on the DOORWAY command line, then any output
                        to the printer  will be  discarded.  If  a /Y:R  is
                        place on the  command line,  and DWCOMM or  another
                        com program  which supports printer  redirection is
                        used  on  the  remote  end,  the  printer  will  be
                        redirected over the modem to DWCOMM to either print
                        or save  to a  file.   If /Y:FR  (Force Remote)  is
                        used, then Doorway will  redirect the printer, even
                        if  it  is unable  to  verify that  the  remote can
                        support it.  Of course if the remote cannot support
                        redirection, then it can  create a real mess on the

                        In addition, if a  /Y:1 is used, then lpt1  will be
                        redirected to the  remote, but  lpt2 and lpt3  will
                        still go to the  host printer.  /Y:2 and  /Y:3 work
                        similarly for redirecting only lpt2 or lpt3.

                        /Z: Use a custom exit message instead of "RETURNING
                        TO BOARD". Thus /Z:EXITM  will substitute the ASCII
                        text in  the file  EXITM for  the normal  returning
                        message.    Only one  line  of information  will be
                        transmitted.  For  a  long  message,  use  the  /E:
                        capability. You can  personalize this  so it  says:
                        NEXT STEP in a multi door batch file.

                        /19: Use  the DOS interrupt  19 for rebooting  if a
                        reboot is ever  necessary.  DO NOT  USE THIS SWITCH
                        FOR NORMAL DOS SYSTEMS.   DOS will usually  lock up
                        with this interrupt.  However, under NTNX, Desqview
                        and other  multi-taskers, this switch  is necessary
                        for proper operation under a reboot condition.

                        /80:  Force 80  column mode.   This  will force  an
                        application program to stay in 80 column mode.  The
                        primary purpose of this  is to avoid a bug  in some
                        versions of Desqview 386, which  causes problems if
                        a program writes to the screen in 40 column mode in
                        the background.

                        /450 Do not enable buffers on 16550 or 16650 UARTS.
                        Treat as a 16450.

                                          18            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        /*: Use the following sequence to exit the program.
                        The  sequence  may  include  up  to  16 characters,
                        control  characters and  extended key  codes.   For
                        control  characters  use  the  ^  in front  of  the
                        character.   For  extended codes  precede  the scan
                        code of the character with  a @.  Scan codes can be
                        obtained  by  running  the   included  GIVESCAN.EXE
                        program.  Please note that F2 and F4 scan codes are
                        the  dos  redirection symbols  (<  and >)  and thus
                        CANNOT be put on the dos command line.  If you must
                        use  these symbols  you will  have to  use  the new
                        configuratoin file  capability.  Use  DWCONFIG or a
                        plain text edirot to edit the configuration file.


                   GENERAL PURPOSE DOORS

                     BIOS calls
                        /B:MSZ for  text  oriented  (screen  scrolls)  like
                        adventure games

                        /B:MZ    for  screen  oriented  (no  scrolls)  like

                     DIRECT SCREEN WRITES
                        (/Q: /B:MSZ) or (/Q  /B:MZ) as above for QB  4.0 or
                        (/V:D /B:MZ) otherwise.

                   DROP TO DOS
                     BIOS CALLS         /B:MSZ  (IF USING 24 LINE COM      
                                        /B:Z     (IF USING 25 LINE COM     
                                        [NONE]   (25 LINE, AND DWCOMM)

                     DIRECT  SCREEN  WRITES
                        (/V:D /B:Z) or /V:D (DEPENDING ON COM PROG)

                   5.   MULTITASKING

                     DOORWAY now supports Desqview  and other multi-Tasking
                     environments. You need not  even inform DOORWAY  about
                     the  Multitasker. In some  cases, primarily on non-386
                     computers,  you  may be  unable to  use  direct screen
                     mode with multitaskers.

                     The   multitasker  should   be  set   up  to   run  in
                     background,  and  to not  allow swapping  of programs.
                     Either virtualize video should be  set to TRUE or  the
                     DOORWAY /U switch should be used, but not both.

                                          19            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   6.   EXTENDED KEYBOARD CODE SUPPORT

                     DOORWAY supports  all extended character codes!   This
                     allows you to send it the Function keys, Cursor  keys,
                     and  ALT  functions.   Undefined  codes  and the  Ctrl
                     PrtSc  code  are trapped  from going  to  the program,
                     since some undefined codes  can crash the system.   If
                     you want to override all extended codes, then  enter a
                     /T:^@ on the command line, as this  will then trap the
                     NULL  character.  At  this   time,  there  most  modem
                     packages  support   extended  keyboard  codes.     The
                     following  table  lists  those  which  claim  to  have
                     DOORWAY  capability.   Most  of the  comm  programs go
                     into DOORWAY mode by  entering an ALT "="  (internal),
                     except for  GT Power,  which uses  a CRTL DOWN  Arrow.
                     If  your  favorite   modem  program  doesn't   support
                     extended  key  codes,  you  might  mention  this  much
                     needed function to your modem software vendor!

                     DOORWAY also supports the  enhanced keyboard.  If  the
                     com package is  capable of sending  the enhanced  keys
                     from  remote,  then doorway  will return  them  to the
                     program on  the HOST if  an enhanced keyboard  call is
                     performed.  Note  that if  the HOST does  not have  an
                     enhanced keyboard, any program  on the HOST is  highly
                     unlikely  to   ask  for   enhanced  codes,  and   will
                     therefore not get them.   Standard extended codes  are
                     encoded  as  a NULL  followed by  the  SCAN CODE.   E0
                     enhanced  extended codes  are  encoded  as  "NULL  E0H

                   7.   DROP TO DOS OR REMOTE CAPABILITY

                     Many people are  now using DOORWAY  for a remote  DROP
                     TO DOS or  REMOTE redirection  program.   This can  be
                     done with the following  command line for either  your
                     drop to dos door or remote batch file:

             DOORWAY COM1 /i:pword /g:on /a:on /m:100 /v:d^U /s:* /c:dos

                     I like to  turn the alarm  on, so if anyone  gets into
                     DOS  I will hear  any beeps.   You will need  to use a
                     com program which  supports 25 line  mode.  The  above
                     also  sets ANSI  graphics  on.   The /m:100  gives 100
                     minutes in dos,  and the  /c:dos tells it  to drop  to
                     dos.   The /i:pword allows  password protection before
                     an exit  to DOS is  allowed, and  may be  left out  if
                     desired.   See the  discussion on the  password in the
                     INITIAL WELCOME discussion above.  The  /V:D^U puts it
                     in direct  screen write mode,  for compatibility  with
                     virtually all  programs,  and the  ^U allows  toggling
                     between  the  modes, for  a screen  redraw  if nothing

                                          20            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                     else.  You may need a /B:Z,  depending on whether your
                     com program handles the "^[[7l" ansi  sequence or not.
                     (If you see a "^[[?7l" or "^[[?7h"  tell the author of
                     your com package).   A /B:M will be needed, if you are
                     unable  to  eliminate the  status line  on  the remote

                     The reasons for  using DOORWAY  for your  drop to  dos
                     are many.

                     Here are a few of the more obvious ones:

                                                             CTTY  DOORWAY
                         Redirects BIOS writes                no      yes
                         Redirects direct screen writes       no      yes
                         Generates ANSI codes                 no      yes
                         Smart ANSI generation (clear EOL's)  no      yes
                         Allows external aborts               no      yes
                         Works with multi-taskers             no      yes
                         Allows function keys to be sent      no      yes
                         Allows cursor keys to be sent        no      yes
                         Allows keyboard redefinition         no      yes
                         Allows password protection           no      yes
                         Allows trapping of characters        no      yes
                         Monitors carrier                     no      yes
                         Monitors user time                   no      yes
                         Abort on keyboard timeouts           no      yes
                         Handles 24 line com programs         no      yes
                         Reads and uses pcboard.sys/DOOR.SYS  no      yes
                         Allows you to externally abort pgms. no      yes
                         Gives 24 hours support via BBS       no      yes
                         Allows you to inhibit disk writes    no      yes
                         Supports Fossils                     no      yes

                     With  /V:D  switch  in  the command  line,  the  SETUP
                     program (for your BBS)  can be run from remote  if you
                     are using a modem package which  supports the extended
                     key codes.   The cursor, page up,  and page down,  and
                     function keys  will all  be handled  as if  entered on
                     the board keyboard.   You can  move around the  pages,
                     and also enter the  ALT F to find  a string.  In  dos,
                     the F3 will repeat the last command  and in EDLIN, you
                     can use the F3, cursor, ins, and  delete keys, just as
                     you would at the main keyboard.

                     You will find  you can  do lots of  things which  CTTY

                                          21            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   8.  USER ABORTS AND LOST CARRIERS

                     If  a user enters one  of the characters following the
                     /R:  in  the DOORWAY  command line,  then  the program
                     will abort.  "EXTERNAL  USER ABORT" will be  displayed
                     on the Sysop's screen  for a couple of seconds.   Note
                     that  if  the user  does  an EXTERNAL  ABORT  when the
                     program  is  in a  CRITICAL  DOS  function, the  abort
                     could  crash the system.  Therefore, if a critical DOS
                     function  is  being  performed,   the  abort  will  be
                     delayed (but remembered)  until it is  safe to  abort.
                     If the user  does an external abort  during a drop  to
                     DOS (REMOTE  session),  the  function  or  program  in
                     process will  be aborted, and the user will be dropped
                     back to DOS,  and the message "EXTERNAL ABORT  IN DOS"
                     will appear on both ends.

                     If a carrier  is lost, the program  will abort, or  if
                     in DOS  an EXIT  will be performed,  and control  will
                     return   to  the  HOST  program  automatically.    The
                     message "CARRIER LOST  >>>>> RETURNING TO BOARD"  will
                     flash up on  the HOST's  screen.  If  carrier is  lost
                     during  a critical DOS  function, DOORWAY will attempt
                     to abort  the program for  255 seconds.   DOORWAY goes
                     to  great  lengths  to  abort  a   program  which  was
                     previously  unbreakable.   It will  resort to  hooking
                     the dos interrupts  to gain control,  and sending  the
                     program  carriage returns,  ESC characters,  and ^C's.
                     If unable to  break the program for 255  seconds, then
                     the system will reboot.  The only way I know for  this
                     to  happen, is  if the  program running  under DOORWAY
                     hangs up, but timer ticks  are still functioning.   If
                     this happens, and  the user hangs up, then  the system
                     would  be  hung  until   the  Sysop  noticed  it   and
                     rebooted.  Therefore, Doorway will reboot the system.

                     If  a User  or keyboard  timeout occurs,  then DOORWAY
                     will send the  appropriate message and  return to  the
                     bulletin board or host.  If a  keyboard timeout occurs
                     in DOS (/C:DOS),  then the bell will  be rung, but  it 
                     will not return to the BBS.

                     If  the  program  responds badly  to  being externally
                     aborted  (leaves  memory   allocations,  files   areas
                     locked etc.),  you  can use  the  /*: switch  to  have
                     DOORWAY send the program  an exit sequence for  proper

                                          22            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   9.   REGISTRATION

                     This  DOORWAY  program is  strictly  a  non-registered
                     demo version.   The exact terms of  this agreement are
                     given fully  in APPENDIX  2, but  the  following is  a
                     "plain  english"  condensation.   This  non-registered
                     version  may  be freely  distributed  and  uploaded to
                     BBS's.    It can  be tested  and  used for  one month.
                     After that date, the  program may not be  used, unless
                     it  is registered.  You may  register it several ways.

                     DOORWAY can be registered on our web site:

                     Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are

                     Alternativly, you can order it my mail (using a check
                     written by a US or Canadian bank only, by filling out
                     the order form below and mailing both to the address
                     provided on the order form.  You can also order it by
                     phone by calling 1-805-493-8388. This number is only
                     for orders or for pre-sales questions.  For Technical
                     support please send an email to support@pcmicro.com
                     or you can fax us at 805-493-8318 (fax only).

                                          23            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                     When  you register,  you will  receive  a Registration
                     number for your copy of DOORWAY.   This number will be
                     valid  for  your  board  for all future  versions  of
                     DOORWAY program.

                     Defeating  the  registration, or  distributing a
                     registered version of DOORWAY  is illegal.   Make sure
                     that  any  copies of DOORWAY you  make  available  for
                     others   are NON-REGISTERED!
                     Use of any programs  intended to deny the publisher of
                     DOORWAY their legal compensation for use of DOORWAY is
                     illegal. Violators will be prosecuted and/or flogged.
                     If you  have any  questions  or comments, feel free to
                     contact us:

                           PC Micro Systems, Inc.
                     The latest version can be downloaded and registered at

                     Once you have  your registration number,  go into  the
                     subdirectory  that DOORWAY  is  in  and type  "DOORWAY
                     REGISTER". DOORWAY will ask  for your board name.   It
                     must  be  entered  EXACTLY  as  registered,  including
                     spaces  and  any  punctuation  (although  capital  and
                     small letters can be  interchanged) . Then, enter  the
                     registration  number  you  have gotten,  and  it  will
                     automatically  register the  software  to your  board.
                     The operation of DOORWAY  will change as follows  when

                                    UNREGISTERED             REGISTERED

          Time in DOOR:              10 Minutes         PER SYS file or /M:
          Registration screen:    Displayed to the Sysop       Omitted
          /O: option                Not available            Operational

                                          24            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   10.  ORDER BLANK

                                  DOORWAY REGISTRATION ORDER BLANK

                   Please   fill   out   the   following   if     you   are
                   ordering     DOORWAY  registration by  mail  and enclose
                   with  with  a  check,   money  order,  or  Credit   Card

          Name__________________________ Voice Phone # (____)____-_________

          Address _________________________________________________________   

          City, State Zip _________________________________________________
          Email Address to send your license to: __________________________

                   Registration  Name (Must  be EXACTLY as you  want it  to
          appear to your users - 60  chr. Max).  This may be your name, your
          company name, or a  BBS name:


          Revision of DOORWAY you presently have __2.32____

          Credit Card number if using a Card _______________________________

          Expiration Date on card __________________________________________

          Signature if using a Card ________________________________________

                                                          QTY  Each   Total

          DOORWAY Registration for commercial use    ___     $30.00  _______

          DOORWAY Registration for personal/BBS use  ___     $20.00  _______

          Total                                                      _______

                                          25            DOORWAY 2.32 MANUAL
                   Mail  orders  will  receive  a  disk  with   the  latest
                   released  version    of  DOORWAY and  your  Registration
                   number  by return mail.   Note: checks drawn on Canadian
                   banks should  be made  out in   US Dollars.
                   We cannot accept EUROCHECKS.

                   Send to:  PC Micro Systems, Inc.
                             Attn: Doorway Registrations
                             1879 Campbell Ave.
                             Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360

                   Orders can  also be accepted via  email.  Our  address is
                   support@pcmicro.com.  Since Internet email is not secure
                   secure, we do not suggest sending credit card numbers by
                   email. You can fax your credit card information to 
                   805-493-8318, or use our secure web site shopping cart
                   at https://pcmicro.com/doorway/order/

                                          26            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                    11.      QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

                        Q. I have typed  DOORWAY LOCAL, but all it  does is
                        print a screen of information and return to DOS.

                        A. DOORWAY is  not a door  itself.  It  turns other
                        programs into doors.  Thus, unless you are using it
                        for a drop to dos, you will  need a /P:FILENAME.EXT
                        as the last switch on the command line.  For a drop
                        to dos you must have a /C:DOS switch.

                        Q. I am  using DOORWAY for  my remote drop  to dos.
                        It seems to work fine, except when a directory gets
                        to the bottom line of the  screen, one of the lines
                        gets overwritten. Also, back spaces  do not work on
                        the bottom line, but become spaces.

                        A.  You are  using  a communication  program  which
                        places  a status  line on  the  bottom line  of the
                        screen.   Therefore, attempts to address the cursor
                        on the bottom line are being  ignored by your modem
                        software.    This  is not  a  DOORWAY  problem, but
                        DOORWAY will solve it if you  put a /B:MS switch in
                        the command line.

                        Q. DOORWAY used to work great for my compiled BASIC
                        programs.   Now it  won't send  the characters  any

                        A. You have  moved from QUICK  BASIC 1,  2 or 3  to
                        QUICK BASIC 4, or Turbo Basic.  The  compilers have
                        quit using the MSDOS/IBM specifications for sending
                        characters to the screen.   Instead of using DOS or
                        BIOS interrupts,  they  are writing  to the  screen
                        memory  directly.    Thus,  it   is  impossible  to
                        redirect  by  normal means.    Either  include  the
                        (Q)uick  Basic switch "/Q:"  (this only  works with
                        QBASIC version  4.0) in  the command  line, compile
                        with  a pre-4  version of  QUICK BASIC,  or set  up
                        DOORWAY to use the direct screen mode (/V:D).

                        Q. I am  using DOORWAY  for my remote  drop to  dos
                        also, but when it gets to  the bottom of the screen
                        on a DIR listing, I don't  get ANY more line feeds,
                        and all lines  overwrite the previous lines  on the

                        A. There are  several versions  of ANSI.SYS.   Some
                        are better behaved  than others.   Some of them  do
                        NOT do a BIOS  scroll when they get to  the bottom,
                        but  instead  do  a  block  move in  video  memory.
                        DOORWAY has no way of trapping this "blind scroll".

                                          27            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        Therefore, DOORWAY  can be made to send a line feed
                        when  it appears  that  a scroll  was  done.   Just
                        insert a  /L: in  the command  line  to get  it  to
                        insert extra line feeds.  If you put this switch in
                        and don't need it,  you will get double line  feeds
                        at the bottom.   A  better solution is  to try  the
                        ANSIPAT in this ZIP. It should work on most MSDOS's
                        which exhibit  this problem.  DOORWAY is compatible
                        with  ANSI.COM, the  PC magazine  ANSI driver,  and
                        this is a very good substitution.

                        Q. I can't seem to get DOORWAY to give me more than
                        10 minutes before it aborts.

                        A. Either you  don't have  a registered version  or
                        else DOORWAY cannot  find PCBOARD.SYS or  DOOR.SYS,
                        and  you  have not  defined a  maximum time  on the
                        command line with  a /M:XXX (where XXX is  the time
                        in minutes).

                        Q. DOORWAY  seems  to work  fine,  but when  it  is
                        through, the board doesn't come back up.

                        A.  Check  your  Board  documentation  for  how  to
                        implement doors.   For PCBOARD,  you need to  place
                        the  line  "BOARD"  (or  whatever   you  named  the
                        board's  batch  file)  after the  "DOORWAY  XXXXXX"
                        line,   or   select  SHELL   for   the   method  of
                        implementation.   This   will   be  different   for
                        different  board softwares.  See  the example  .BAT
                        files  for  guidance.     For   RBBS,  it  is   not
                        recommended to shell to DOORWAY.

                        Q. DOORWAY seems  to work from  the board end,  but
                        gives and receives no response from the modem.

                        A. Check  that you  have defined  the correct  COM:
                        port in the command line. Verify DOORWAY is reading
                        the correct .SYS file.

                        Q. When I run a particular program during my remote
                        drop to dos, it seems to hang up when I exit.  If I
                        enter a  character, I  get a  beep, and  everything
                        starts working again.  What is happening?

                        A. Your program is turning off the com port when it
                        exits. Doorway  now monitors  the com  lines during
                        timer  ticks.  When  a character is  entered by the
                        user and not  fetched for  over .5 second,  DOORWAY
                        will reopen the com port and send a beep.

                                          28            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        Q. When  I run DOORWAY, many programs will not send
                        anything  out  the  com  port,  but   user  entered
                        characters are received ok.  What's the problem?

                        A. You are using an "ENHANCED" ANSI driver, such as
                        FANSI,  NANSI,  or ZANSI.  These  do direct  screen
                        writes instead of BIOS calls, so DOORWAY never sees
                        the characters go to the screen. Replace the driver
                        with  the  ANSI  driver  which  comes with  DOS  or
                        ANSI.COM from PC magazine.   Also, the programs you
                        are  running may  be  doing direct  screen  writes.
                        These can not be redirected normally.   You may try
                        putting a "/Q:"  in the command  line to see  if it
                        will  support  redirection  of  output,  or set  up
                        DOORWAY for direct screen write mode (/V:D).

                        Q. Why do you read everything from the command line
                        instead  of  from a config file like  everyone else

                        A. I have never liked  to add a bunch of files  for
                        any application. The config file would be different
                        for each door, and if you  are using DOORWAY for 10
                        different  doors, that  would  add  10 more  files.
                        Also, when modifying  a door, it is  more confusing
                        to  trace  the  names  though  different  files  to
                        determine  which   configuraton  file   should   be
                        modified.    Lastly,  it  takes  time to  load  the
                        config. file,  and as we  all know, doors  are slow
                        enough as it is.

                        Q. I am very confused on  the order of the switches
                        in the DOORWAY command line.

                        A. There are  only two things  which have to  be in
                        any particular  place. The  COM1, COM2, SYS,  PORT,
                        TBBS or LOCAL must be the first item after DOORWAY,
                        and either  /C:DOS or  /P:FILENAME.EXT must  be the
                        last switch on the command line.

                        Q. I am using DOORWAY in  direct screen mode.  When
                        the cursor  gets to the  bottom of the  screen, the
                        screen gets really messed up.  What can I do?

                        A. You either  have a 24 line com  program running,
                        or your  com program isn't  translating the  "don't
                        wrap  line"  ansi sequence.    Use  a  25 line  com
                        program and  use a  /B:Z or  a version  of the  com
                        program which supports the ansi.

                                          29            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        Q.  I have  registered DOORWAY,  and  now I  find a
                        later  version  on a  local  board.  Do  I have  to
                        register it also to use it?

                        A. Your registration number is  good for all future
                        versions of DOORWAY.  Simply  register it just like
                        you did your  earlier version.   If  you have  lost
                        your  number, then  type  DOORWAY REGISTER  on your
                        earlier version and  it will  give your board  name
                        and  registration number back to  you.  Be sure you
                        have your  registration number  before copying  the
                        new version over the old!

                        Q.  I registered  DOORWAY  some time  ago.   Now  I
                        notice the price is higher for the new version with
                        direct screen write capability.  I think it is well
                        worth it,  but do  I need to  send the full  $30 or
                        just the difference?

                        A. We have always said that if you register DOORWAY
                        all future versions are free.   We stand behind our
                        word.  You supported  us when we had less  to offer
                        and it is only fair for us to support you. There is
                        no additional charge.

                        Q. I just installed Windows95, and now all I get is
                        garbage on the remote.

                        A. This is a Windows  95 bug.  Code has  been added
                        to this version to avoid that problem.  If you have
                        this  problem,  make sure you  are running  version
                        2.31 or later.  If you still have the problem, call
                        tech support, a later release of Windows has likely
                        added another bug that we will have to correct.

                                          30            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        Q. I have  had to  change my  board name.   I  have
                        already   paid  for   DOORWAY  but   now  it   says
                        "REGISTERED TO:" my old board's  name.  What can  I

                        A. Once we verify that you have purchased a Doorway
                        license and that you have changed the name of your
                        BBS, you  can get a new registration number for the
                        new name one time.  The  old  name and registration
                        number will no longer be valid and it will be
                        illegal to use them.  If you  forsee that  you  may
                        change the name of the BBS, or you don't run a BBS,
                        then  we  recommend  registering  DOORWAY  in  your
                        personal name.

                        Q. I am running multi-nodes.  Do I have to register
                        more than one copy?

                        A. If all nodes  have the same board name,  and are
                        at  the same  location,  then  one registration  is
                        valid  for up  to 5 nodes (for personal use) or for
                        unlimited nodes for commercial use at one location.
                        If  you are  using the program for personal use
                        (not a BBS) then it can be placed on multiple
                        machines  AS  LONG  AS NO MORE THAN ONE COPY HAS  A
                        POSSIBILILITY OF BEING RUN AT ONCE.  For  instance,
                        you  could  put  it  on both  your computer at work
                        and at  home, so you  can log  in either way.  This
                        does not  mean that a company can  have a copy on a
                        BBS and all the employees can take it home.

                        Q.  When I  try to  use the  cursor keys,  function
                        keys, or  ALT keys  either nothing  happens, or  my
                        program exits.  What switches do I need.

                        A. The problem is not with DOORWAY but whatever com
                        program you are calling in with.  Check appendix B.
                        Although  most   IBM  com  programs  can  send  the
                        function, ALT  and cursor keys a few cannot.  Those
                        that can may have to be switched into DOORWAY mode.
                        PROCOMM  PLUS  2  must  be  installed  for  IBM  PC
                        emulation, but will still not send the ALT keys.

                        Q. Why should I register DOORWAY?

                        A.  The registered version allows unlimited time,
                        and includes some additional features.    Also, by
                        supporting us we are able to develop more products
                        for the  BBS community. The  development of Doorway
                        has  taken thousands of man-hours.

                                          31            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL

                        Q. I can't seem  to get DOORWAY to work  with 4DOS.
                        What am I doing wrong?

                        A. Doorway will  work fine  with 4DOS, except  4DOS
                        will use the ^ as an  end of line.  Therefore,  you
                        cannot use a ^ in the  DOORWAY command line, or you
                        will need  to set  up 4DOS  to use  something other
                        than  a  ^   for  this   function.    Most   people
                        reconfigure 4DOS to use the ~ instead.

                        Q. How do I get DSZ to work under DOORWAY?

                        A. The problem with using DSZ under DOORWAY is that
                        the block transfer information, which DSZ writes to
                        the local screen on the HOST, is being sent out the
                        modem with the data,  thus causing CRC errors.  The
                        simple  solution  is  to   either  upgrade  version
                        12-14-92  or  later  of DSZ,  or  use  the provided
                        DWS.BAT  and DWR.BAT files, which will turn DOORWAY
                        redirection on and off.

                        Q. When I type DOORWAY  REGISTER the computer locks
                        up.  What am I doing wrong?

                        A.  You probably  have  a  memory resident  program
                        which  is  not  handling   the  keyboard  interrupt

                        Q. Will DOORWAY work under PCMOS?

                        A.  Starting  with version  2.12, DOORWAY  is PCMOS
                        aware, and will  pass off to other  partitions when
                        waiting for a character input.

                                          32            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                                        APPENDIX A

                     DOORWAY will return  error codes  when it  exits.   If
                     you use an  ERRORLEVEL  in  the batch   file, it   can
                     determine  the following  reasons for  the termination
                     of the DOORWAY door.

                     0 -  Normal program termination (as  far as DOORWAY is
                     1 - External  Abort, user   entered character  defined
                             by the /R:
                     2 - Carrier Lost
                     3 - Keyboard Timeout
                     4 - Time Limit Exceeded
                     5 - Reboot (you should never get this one)
                     6 - Local Abort, sysop entered the character defined 
                     by the /R:
                     7  - File not  found, one of the  files were not found
                             by DOORWAY.
                     8 - Syntax Error
                     9 - DOS must be version 3.0 or later
                     10- reserved
                     11- Code is corrupted
                     12- Password failure

                     In  addition,  error codes  returned  by  DOS and  the
                     program  will   be   returned   in   a   file   called
                     DWSHELL.ERR.  The  actual error code  returned by  DOS
                     or the program  will be written in  this log, and  the
                     source will be identified as the program or DOS.

                     Because  some  com  programs  will  not  accept   some
                     characters,  or will  mess  up  with some  characters,
                     several  characters  have been  translated  by DOORWAY
                     before sending  out the modem  (when DWCOMM is  NOT on
                     the  remote end).   These are: the  little solid right
                     and left arrows get  translated to a "<" and  ">", the
                     ESC  which  shows  up  as  a  small  left  arrow  gets
                     translated to a  "<", and  the form feed,  which is  a
                     circle with a  + at  the bottom gets  translated to  a
                     script "f".

                                          33            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                                           APPENDIX B

                     Many  of  the  communications programs  have added  a
                     DOORWAY  mode.    The  following  lists the programs
                     which  have  the  capability  to  send  the
                     extended  key codes,  such as  the Function  Keys, Alt
                     keys, and  cursor keys.  Internal  means that a simple
                     key entry will put the program into "DOORWAY" mode.

                     Comm. Program Implementation  capability toggle  first
                     QMODEM        Internal   total    ALT "="      3.1a
                     PIBTERM 5.0   Internal   total    definable    5.0
                     K9X           Internal   total    ALT "O"      8.00.3
                     ZCOMM         Internal   total    ALT "="      17
                     TELIX         Internal   total    ALT "="      3.12
                     BOYAN 4.1     Internal   total    ALT "="      4.1
                     GT Power      Internal   total    ^ DN ARROW   15.5
                     COMMO         Internal   total    ALT "="      ALL
                     JAXCOM        Internal   total    default      ALL
                     DWCOMM        Internal   total    default      ALL
                     PROCOMM       Internal   Partial  *            2.00
                     COM-AND       Key File   total                 2.38
                     CI LINK       Internal   total    ALT "="      2.13
                     RIPTERM       Internal   total    ALT "="      1.5
                     mTelnet       Internal   Partial  ALT "="      1.0-b12

          *-PROCOMM PLUS 2.00 only allows the  cursor  and function keys to
          be sent. The IBM-PC emulation must be selected.

          * mTelnet (mTel) v1.0 (beta 12) has a known issue in which it
          fails to position the cursor correctly in doorway mode when run
          on a multi-threading processor.

          At this time the  latest versions of Dwcomm, QMODEM,  RipTerm and
          Commo support printer redirection as well.

                                          34            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                                         APPENDIX C

                                       LICENSE AND EVALUATION AGREEMENT




                           WHEREAS,    PC Micro Systems, Inc. (hereinafter
          "LICENSOR") doing business as PC Micro(TM) owns the rights to the
          programming  and  software to  be covered  by  the terms  of this
          agreement,  and  WHEREAS,    the  Program embodies  and  reflects
          certain  Trade  Secrets  and  Copyrights  of  the  LICENSOR,  and
          WHEREAS,   you are interested  in licensing computer software and
          documentation having the general  characteristics of the  Program
          and  therefore  desire  to  evaluate  the  Program  for  possible
          registration;  and   WHEREAS,  the   LICENSOR   has  provided   a
          demonstration copy of the Program to you, for the sole purpose of
          your conducting such evaluation   under the terms, conditions and
          limitations of this Agreement;

                       NOW,  THEREFORE, in  consideration  of the  premises
          hereof, and the  mutual promises and obligations herein, upon use
          of the  Program,  you hereby agree to be bound as follows:

                            (1)  LICENSE GRANT:  The LICENSOR hereby grants
                   to you, and you accept  upon first use, a  non*exclusive
                   right  to   use the  Doorway (TM)  Program Diskette  and
                   computer  software    contained therein  in  object-code
                   only  form, and  only as  authorized by  this agreement.
                   This   Doorway   (TM)   Program   is        strictly   a
                   non*registered,   demonstration   version.      This    
                   non*registered  version may  be  freely distributed  and
                   uploaded to BBS's subject to the herein  proscribed time
                   limitations.  From  the date of first use  by you of the
                   Doorway  (TM) Software  Program,  you  can use  and test
                   the program for a single thirty  (30) day time  period. 
                   Thirty (30) days  after first use of the   program,  the

                                          35            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                   program may not  thereafter be used unless  it has  been
                   previously registered with the LICENSOR.

                             (2)   Licensor's  Rights:   You acknowledge and
                   agree   that  the   Program  consists   of  proprietary,
                   unpublished     products of  LICENSOR,   protected under
                   U.S.  copyright law  and   trade secret  laws of general
                   applicability.  You further  acknowledge and agree  that
                   all right,  title, and interest  in and  to the  Program
                   are  and shall   remain   with  LICENSOR.   This License
                   Agreement does not convey  to  you an interest in  or to
                   the Program,   revocable  in accordance   with the terms
                   of this License  Agreement, but only a  limited right of

                             (3)     Licensed  "As  Is"  And  Limitation  Of

          (a)    The Program  and software  subject  to this  Agreement are
                   licensed to you "AS IS" and the Licensor  disclaims  any
                   and  all  warranties,  whether  disclaims  any  and  all
                   warranties,  whether  express   or    implied, including
                   without  limitation   any     implied     warranties  of
                   merchantability  or   of  fitness  for  a     particular

          (b)    The Licensor and any of his associates shall not be liable
                   or  responsible  for any  damages  resulting  to you  or
                   others  from your  use of the Program.   You assume full
                   responsibility for  determining what use(s) the  Program
                   serve(s),  if any,  and whether  the Program  meets your
                   requirements.   The  LICENSOR  makes no  representations
                   whatsoever  concerning  the  performance,  acceptability
                   and/or  compatibility with  your equipment and operation
                   of the Program provided.

                            (4) Limitation Of Damages

                        You  agree that with  respect to any  claims of any
                        nature whatsoever that  you or any other  party may
                        have against  LICENSOR  resulting from  use of  the
                        Program,  that   LICENSOR  shall  be   notified  in
                        writing by you of the claim within 30 days of the  
                        incident  or occurrence giving  rise to  the claim,
                        mailed, by certified letter to:

                                        PC Micro Systems, Inc.
                                        1879 Campbell Ave.
                                        Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360
                        You agree that in no event shall LICENSOR be liable
                        for   any   indirect,   incidental,  consequential,

                                          36            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        special, or exemplary damages or lost profits, even
                        if LICENSOR has been advised  of the possibility of
                        such  damages.  You  further agree that  if for any
                        reason the LICENSOR is found to be liable to you as
                        a result of your  use of the program and  software,
                        that  as  partial  consideration  of  the  LICENSOR
                        granting   you   this  license,   you   agree  that
                        LICENSOR'S sole and exclusive  cumulative liability
                        to you  or  others shall  be  no greater  than  the
                        amount  of any registration fee  paid by you.  SOME
                        TO YOU.

                            (5)  Proprietary Protection

                                   (a)   The  Program  is furnished  to  you
                        for the sole  purpose of enabling you  to determine
                        whether to register Program with the LICENSOR.  You
                        shall use the Program solely  for such purpose, and
                        shall not,  without the  prior written approval  of
                        the LICENSOR,  either allow any third party to use,
                        or yourself use, the Program  for any other purpose
                        or for the benefit of any third party.

                                   (b)  This Agreement  conveys to you  only
                        a  limited  right   of  use,  fully   revocable  in
                        accordance with  the provisions of this Agreement. 
                        Except for such right of use,  you shall not assert
                        any right, title, or interest in or to  the Program
                        or any pertinent documentation.

                                   (c)   The LICENSOR hereby represents, and
                        you  hereby  acknowledge,  that  the  program   and
                        software contain  substantial Trade Secrets  of the
                        LICENSOR; such Trade Secrets have been entrusted to
                        you  for use  only  as  expressly authorized  under
                        this Agreement.    Under  no circumstances may  you
                        decompile,  reverse  engineer, or  "unlock"  as the
                        term is generally used in the industry, the program
                        and software.

                                   (d)    LICENSOR  claims  and  reserves to
                        itself all rights and  benefits afforded under U.S.
                        copyright  law  and  all   international  copyright
                        conventions  in  the  Program  and  any   pertinent
                        documentation as restricted, unpublished  works, or
                        as copyrighted material, as the case may be.

                                   (e)     You   shall  devote   your   best
                        efforts,  consistent  with     the  practices   and

                                          37            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        procedures under which you protect  your           
                        own  most  valuable  proprietary   information  and
                        materials, to protect the Program and any pertinent
                        documentation against any unauthorized  or unlawful
                        use or copying.

                                   (f)   You  shall make  no hard  copies of
                        the  Program, and may store in  memory only so much
                        programming as  authorized  by the  terms  of  this
                        agreement.  Upon  expiration of 30 days  after your
                        first use of  the program  and software, you  shall
                        permanently cease use of  the program and software,
                        unless   it   has  been   registered   pursuant  to
                        provisions of this agreement.

                             (6)     Registration:    You agree  that  after
                        using the program and  software provided for thirty
                        (30) days from first use, you  will not use or test
                        the  program  and  software,  unless  it  has  been
                        registered  with  the LICENSOR  in  one of  the two
                        following manners:

                                   (a)  You can register by filling out the
                        order blank included in this document and send with
                        proper payment to: 

                                           PC Micro Systems, Inc.
                                           1879 Campbell Ave.
                                           Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360

                                   (b)  You  can also  register  on our web
                        site at https://pcmicro.com/doorway/order using a
                       credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or
                       American Express)

                        After  completing the registration you will be sent
                        a registration number, which will permit  you to
                        make   your   demo*version   a   fully*operational,
                        registered version.   You agree  not to defeat  the
                        registration,  or   to  distribute   a   registered
                        version of DOORWAY (TM) to anyone.  If you have any

                                          38            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                        questions  or comments,  feel  free to  contact us:

                             PC Micro Systems  (805) 493-8388

                                   (d)   Registration of  the Program  shall
                        be  exclusive   to  the   person  or   organization
                        registering said  program and software, and you may
                        not transfer the registered program and software to
                        or  provide copies  of the  registered  program and
                        software to third parties.  The registered  program
                        and software shall  be subject  to  all  provisions
                        and conditions of this agreement.

                                   (e)  The  specifications of  this product
                        and  the terms and  conditions of  its registration
                        are subject to change at any time upon the sole and
                        exclusive discretion  of LICENSOR without  prior or
                        future notification to you.

                             (7)    Trademark:    DOORWAY (TM)  and "Doorway
                        to Unlimited Doors" (TM)  are registered trademarks
                        of  the Licensor.   No  right, or interest  to such
                        trademarks  are granted  hereunder,  and you  agree
                        that no such  right, license, or interest  shall be
                        asserted by you with respect to such trademarks.

                             (8)    Governing Law:  This  Agreement shall be
                        construed and  governed in accordance with the laws
                        of the State of Tennessee.

                             (9)  Ambiguity:   As partial  consideration for
                        this agreement and  use of the Program,  you hereby
                        agree  that   any  ambiguity   contained  in   this
                        agreement shall be construed most  favorably to the

                             (10)    Severability:   Should any term of this
                        License Agreement be declared void or unenforceable
                        by  any  court  of   competent  jurisdiction,  such
                        declaration shall  have no effect on  the remaining
                        terms hereof.

                             (11)  No  Waiver:  The  failure of either party
                        to enforce any rights granted  hereunder or to take
                        action against  the other party in the event of any
                        breach hereunder shall  not be deemed a  waiver  by
                        that party  as to subsequent enforcement  of rights
                        or  subsequent  actions  in  the  event  of  future

                                          39            Doorway 2.32 MANUAL
                             (12)   Venue  and  Jurisdiction:    You  hereby
                        agree by virtue of  this agreement that any and all
                        actions brought by  you against LICENSOR shall   be
                        brought before  a Court  of competent  jurisdiction
                        in Ventura County, California,  and that as between
                        you and the LICENSOR,  this License Agreement shall
                        be  deemed to have been  entered  into  in  Ventura
                        County, California.

                             (13)  Acceptance:  You agree to  all the terms,
                        conditions and  limitations of this  agreement upon
                        your first use of the  program and software covered

                        PRODUCT  OF  LICENSOR.     ANY  UNAUTHORIZED   USE,
                        REPRODUCTION  OR  TRANSFER  OF    THIS  PROGRAM  IS
                        STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
                        COPYRIGHT 1987-2006 BY MARSHALL DUDLEY AND PC MICRO


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