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17 MODEM PORT Parameter Name Description Port Settings  Bits, Parity and Stop Bits. Data Bits Options: 7 or 8 Data Bits Parity Options: None, Even, Odd Stop Bit Options: 1 or 2 Stop Bits DCD Control DTR Control  1 = Assert DTR for connection control (DEFAULT)  2 = Always assert DTR Flow Control  1 = Hardware Flow Control (DEFAULT)  2 = Xon/Xoff Local Echo Options: 0 = Echo Off  1 = Echo On (DEFAULT) Modem Mode Options: 0 = Never Connect  1 = Dial on Demand (DEFAULT)  2 = Always maintain connection  3 = PPP Server Modem Mode Timer  1 – 65535 = (Timer in seconds) Modem Dial String Modem Escape String Modem Hangup String Line Termination Character  1 = LF (Send a Line Feed after sending string)
The Modem Port tab is for configuring parameters related
to the Modem (DTE) Port.  This is where you begin to
configure a device to work with a landline or wireless modem
. You will setup parameters such as initialization string,
dial string, hangup string, signal control, mode connection options.
Sets Modem Port Baud Rate, Data
Example: 19200,8N1 (DEFAULT = 115200,8N1)
Baud Rate Options: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 18200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Sets how the COM1000 uses the
DCD signal from the modem.
Options: 0 = Ignore DCD (Send data r
egardless of DCD state) (DEFAULT)
1 = Use DCD (Look for DCD before dialing or sending data)
Sets how the COM1000 uses the
DTR to control the modem.
Options: 0 = Disable DTR (Do not assert DTR at any time)
regardless of modem state
Sets how the COM1000 uses Flow Control.
Options: 0 = Disable Flow Control
Echo typed characters back locally.
Modem Mode of Operation
Modem Connection Timer 
Options: 0 = No specific time; hang up after transaction (DEFAULT)
Modem Setup String         Sets modem setup string. Accepts alphanumeric value up to 50 characters
Modem Init String           Sets modem initialization string.
Accepts alphanumeric value up to 20 characters. 
Sets modem dial string. Accepts alph
anumeric value up to 20 characters
Used for setting both dial prefix
(ATD, ATDT, etc) and phone number.
Sets modem escape string. Used for setting the value required by the modem to
escape from a session. Accepts alphanumeric value up to 20 characters (+++)
Sets modem hangup string. Accepts alphanumeric value up to 20 characters
Used for setting the value required by the modem to hangup a session. (ATH)
Sets line termination sequence used when sending command strings to a modem.
Options:      0 = CR (Send a Carriage Return after sending string) (DEFAULT)
2 = CR+LF (Send a Carriage Return + Line Feed after sending string)
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