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SimpleComTools, LLC
COM1000 – User Manual
SimpleComTools, LLC
COM1000 Setup and Configuration 
To make setup and configuration easy, the COM1000 comes with a MS Windows based Configuration Utility.
This makes getting the device up and running quick and easy.. 
Connection Steps
Step 1: 
Connect your PC to the COM1000 Terminal Port using
any standard RS232 serial cable. The Terminal Port is a
DCE, so there is no need for a null adapter. Any standard
serial cable will work just fine . 
You may also choose to connect the COM1000 to an
Ethernet hub or directly to an Ethernet card via a
crossover cable. 
Step 2:
Launch the COM1000 Configuration Utility.  You will see
that the applications is divided into (4) sections:
Locating/Connecting Devices
Viewing/Editing Settings
Setting Notes
Setting Controls 
Step 3: 
Locate the device you wan to configure by selecting the
desired method of communication.
Any COM1000 located on your Local Area Network can
be found using this utility. Select LAN, enter the device
Password, and click on the Find Devices button. You
will see a popup box display the names of the devices
found on the local network. Highlight the device you wish to configure, and select Connect
Selected a COM PORT, click Find Devices and select
your device from the popup box. 
Select REMOTE, enter the device password, enter the
IP Address or Domain Name, and select Connect. This
feature can also be used to make a direct connection to
a device where the IP or name is known.
Step 4:
Once connected to your device, you will see a splash
screen, and the application will load all the parameters
for the device for display.  
Clicking on any of the Parameters Names. This will
display details for that parameter in the Notes box.
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