How to Globally configure File or Message
areas/groups in EleBBS
EleBBS (and RemoteAccess) has a global template for File
Areas, File Groups, Message Areas, and Message Groups.
This allows the sysop to globally configure a range of
areas or groups to all have the same settings.
ELCONFIG > MANAGER > and select either
Msg Areas, Msg Groups, File Area, or File Groups.
the area or group list, move the cursor to the first
item you want to globally change, and press the
spacebar to Tag it.
the cursor down to the last item you wish to globally
change. All items between the first and last item
will now be selected.
Alt-G to enter the Global template editor. Any changes
you make to this template will effect all items
you are finished making changes, press ESC, and
you will be prompted to "Apply Changes?".
Hits since December 3 1999:
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