Changes in 0.03g1 ================= Enhancements ------------ * Included an INSTALL.BAT (in SAMPLE.ZIP) for fresh installations * EleBBS/WIN32 is now named EleBBS/GUI * Now included is EleMGR which is an full-featured userbase and filebase editor. * EleBBS/GUI now has a Waiting For Caller screen implemented. * An consolemode version of ELCONFIG and EleMGR are now available for EleBBS/GUI * EleFILE supports the DESCRIBE command which will extract and import filedescriptions into the filebase (using FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI). * You can now use the command `C: in any prompts to set the color to a blinking one. * EleBBS now also displays the DUMMY.ANS file. * EleMGR now supports the key-stroke ALT-V which will import the file-description of the current highlighted file. * EleBBS now executes the READTYPE.Q-A script instead of the (F)orward, (R)everse etcetera prompts. * EleBBS now also executes the RDSELECT.Q-A to select the prompts in the read-selected prompts. * It now also executes the MSGBAR.Q-A script instead of the (N)ext, (L)ast, (P)ost etcetera prompts. * You can now nest several questionnaire files. * You can make EleBBS execute a questionnaire under a sysopkey (prefix the questionnaire name with a $) Scripting Commands Enhancements ------------------------------- (see Q-A.TXT for an explanation of what these functions do) * Added a KEYPRESS command to the questionnaire language. * Added a SUBSTRING command to the questionnaire language. * Added a EMULATEVAR command to the questionnaire language. * Added a SETRESULTVAR command to the questionnaire language. * Added a INCLUDEQA command to the questionnaire language. * Added a CURSOR command to the questionnaire language. * Added a SETUSERON command to the questionnaire language. * Added a GETGRAPH command to the questionnaire language. * Added a RANDOM command to the questionnaire language. * Added a DELAY command to the questionnaire language. * Added a SUBSTRINGVAR command to the questionnaire language. * Added a CONCAT command to the questionnaire language. * Added a LENGTH command to the questionnaire language. * Added a ASCII command to the questionnaire language. * Added a GETRAWKEY command to the questionnaire language. * Added a LOWERCASE command to the questionnaire language. * Added a UPPERCASE command to the questionnaire language. * Added a ASCII command to the questionnaire language. * Added a ORD command to the questionnaire language. * Added a WASSYSOPKEY command to the questionnaire language * Added a SETTIME command to the questionnaire language. Bug Fixes --------- * EleFILE SORT would skip the last entry in some rare occasions. * EleBBS/OS2 and EleBBS/GUI wouldn't use the correct logfile entry when you'd use an *N in the logfilename. * EleBBS could exit with an access violation error when there was no GLOBALRA.MLB file. * EleBBS/OS2 could exit with an runtime error 216 when searching for keywords. * All programs (DOS versions) could exit with an runtime error 200 on certain fast machines. * When setting the security level in a script file (using SETSECURITY) this wouldn't be logged to the logfile. * EleFILE CLEAN would remove filebase comments. * ELCONFIG could mess up the lightbar menu items when copying an menu item. * EleFILE sort was case sensitive * The usereditor in EleBBS/GUI could corrupt some dates. * Doing a "Selected" read, and then aborting could cause a loss of file-handles. * Fixed two memory leaks in the mailreader * The fullscreen message reader was not always working correctly. * EleBBS wouldn't always update EXITINFO.BBS correctly after returning from a door. * The keybuffer of EleBBS could get corrupted when holding down a key for a long time. * EleBBS would dotpad some keywords incorrectly. * Sometimes the JAM lastread pointers weren't updated correctly. * EleBBS/2 didn't play the sysop paging song. * EleBBS/GUI could corrupt an entry in the lastcall file if you aborted the logon procedure. * Limits are now sorted in ELCONFIG Structures ---------- LightBarrecord = record LightX, (* X, Y screen coordinates *) LightY : Byte; LowItem, (* Low-color item *) SelectItem : String[135]; (* Selected item *) Attrib : Byte; (* Attrib - Bit 0 : Enabled *) FreeSpace : Array[1..100] of Byte; end; (* record *)